Custer's Spring Arts and Crafts at the TRAC in Pasco WA
Posted by Colleen Lane on
This weekend head on over to the TRAC in Pasco Washington for the weekend long Custer’s 12th Annual Spring Arts and Crafts Show. There will be a large variety of crafts displayed for you to buy! Browse through over 150 professional artists and crafters' booths of hand blown glass, beaded jewelry, watercolors, quilted wall hangings, hand thrown pottery, whimsical painted furniture, metal sculpture, fabric santas, photography, woodworking, candles, felted hats and much, much more as you are looking for the perfect gifts for those on your list! Artisty crafty things are wonderful to fund but specialty and gourmet foods can be just as good! Check out the huckleberry products, wheat berry chili, jams, fudges, and other treats to sample and purchase.
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