Is West Richland WA a Good Place to Live?

Yes, West Richland WA is a good place to live.  The sun is always shining in West Richland, Washington. With its sprawling hills and schrub stepps, Is West Richland WA a Good Place to Live? Read On & Find Outit's no wonder why it's one of the most desirable places to live in the Pacific Northwest.

Whether you're looking for an easygoing lifestyle or a bustling business center, West Richland has something for everyone. The town is full of friendly neighbors, fun activities, and plenty of job opportunities. Plus, it's conveniently located just a short drive away from some of the region's most stunning natural attractions.

From its well-maintained parks to its vibrant arts scene, West Richland offers residents an opportunity to truly relax and enjoy life. And with…

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Tri-Cities WA Helping Home Buyers | 10 Things We Do For You | Kennewick, Richland, Pasco, & WestHelping Home Buyers | What We Do For You

Local Tri-Cities Washington Husband/Wife real estate team offering all sorts of advantages for prospective home buyers when we work with them, humbly, and in a servant attitude. What we offer:

1. We offer 70+ years of real estate experience.  We met in a real estate office in 1985 and have never looked back!

2. Colleen is the ultimate in "Poker Face" during real estate negotiations.  You might be desperate to purchase the property, but the seller and seller's agent would never know it!

3. Not into the commission, but into the client's needs.  We are there for the client and not a commission.  Seriously, we are incredibly patient with our clients as we want our clients to get the best opportunity…

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Listing Your Home to Sell | What We Will Do For You When Selling Your Home on the MLSListing Your Home to Sell | What We Will Do For You When Selling Your Home on the MLS (on a case by case basis)

When you list your Tri-Cities Washington home with us, you put in place the experience of a husband/wife team that together has over 70 years of real estate experience.  We love each other, love working with each other, are best friends, and for your sake, love real estate and the challenge of marketing your home.  What follows is the list we include when listing most homes.  We are certain you will see the effort we make when assuming the responsibility of listing your home for sale. (509) 438-9344 Call us, text us, email us, or contact us here.

Table of Contents & What We Do For most Listings:
1. Three Virtual Tours
2. Quality…

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Kennewick, Richland, Pasco, & West Richland Washington Virtual Open Houses in the Tri-Cities MLS MarketKennewick, Richland, Pasco, & West Richland Washington Virtual Open Houses in the Tri-Cities MLS Market
One positive outcome of the Covid-19 pandemic is the development of online marketing.  Our company has jumped in with a vengeance and has been developing, and continuing the development of Virtual Open House Tours, online marketing, and other means to market a home in an incredibly difficult season of our lives.

As a real estate team, we have always believed Open Houses, the physical version, are an ineffective means of marketing a home.  Often real estate agents convince the seller to hold Open Houses for marketing, when in the end the Open House is an incredible inconvenience to the homeowner, puts the home in oftentimes an unsafe position, and…

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Tri Cities Washington Identity TheftKennewick, Richland, & Pasco Wa Identity Theft
Hey, you!  Yeah, I’m talking to you!  The guy sitting there in Starbucks checking his bank balance on his iPad.  Or the nice old lady waiting for her social security check to be delivered to her mailbox.  Or even the family who doesn’t shred their junk mail before tossing it out.  I’m going to let you in on a little secret – I’m going to steal your identity and then steal a lot of your money, and there are so many ways I can do it you’d be amazed.  In fact, me and my fellow identity theft friends steal about a gazillion dollars each year, and it’s getting easier – not harder – thanks to technology.  I’m feeling generous today so I’m going to share my secrets with you (and chances are you still won’t protect…

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Properties in the Tri Cities and surrounding areas continue to appreciate over the years.

Local labor statistics indicate a stable, steady economy, with an increase in non-farm employment. The mining, logging, and construction sectors pick up from the previous year, and the manufacturing, leisure, and hospitality sectors are the best performers with a 0.2% increase (preliminary, as of January 2014). The stable economy sustains a healthy properties industry, as value and sales continue to appreciate.


Value of Real Estate Properties
The average sold price for residences has increased to 464% over a 36-year period, from $45,000 in 1977 to $208,772 in 2013. At 9.03 houses sold daily in the previous year, appreciated value remains affordable…

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Tri Cities Wa First Time Home Owners Repairs and MaintenanceFirst Time Home Owners Must Know Do It Yourself Repairs
Owning your first Tri Cities Wa home can be an exciting venture, but for first time homeowners, it can also come with a great deal of overwhelming responsibility. As the owner of your home, you are responsible for caring for any issues in the home, and it can be difficult to navigate the waters of home repairs and maintenance. Here are some easy and essential tips to consider as a first time home owner, to keep your home in the best condition possible.

Replacing the Kitchen Faucet Screen
Homeowners who are experiencing low water pressure may find the cause is in their kitchen faucet screen or aerator. Unscrew the aerator body on the faucet and look for the thin screen inside. If it is dirty or clogged,…

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Easily Reduce the Property Taxes of Your Tri Cities Wa HomeIt doesn’t matter if you live in Kennewick, Richland, Pasco, or West Richland. The fact remains that finally owning the home of your dreams is one of the best goals you could ever achieve. However, the reality sets in a year after acquiring your home, as you’re faced with property taxes.

Many homeowners consider property taxes a burden, and for good reason. A recent study conducted by Zillow showed that a property owner in the United States pays an average of close to $2,800 in property taxes. That is approximately 1.4% of the owner’s home value each year. Given that property tax is based on the home’s value, you could expect homeowners to pay a higher amount while others may pay less. In addition, property tax values rise steadily as time goes by. In…

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First Time Moving Out ChecklistDoing something for the first time can be downright scary – learning how to walk, learning how to drive, starting with school. However, aside from the normal firsts in life, there’s another thing that can quite test one’s ability to handle things efficiently – moving out for the first time.

There are many reasons why a person might move from the place he’s currently living in to somewhere else. It might be that a person is moving out of his parents’ place, away to college, to work in another city, or to his own place – one he’s bought with his hard-earned money. Nevertheless, no matter what the reason is behind the move, it can be a stressful experience.

If you’re someone who can’t deal with pressure all too well, the idea of moving can be quite an…

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