For all those parents or other adults living in the region of Richland Wa Real Estate, or are already residents in this fabulous area, take not that an opportunity exists for you to contribute time and skills as a youth basketball coach. The City of Richland youth basketball program ha put out the call for potential coaches in the Tri-City area. During the week there is one practice session, and on average, there is one game a week.  Grades 2-3, 4-5 and 6 teams are in dire need of coaches – if you can help, jump on board the community contribution program. Outdoor sports are a must for kids in 21st century urban living, and what better way for them (and you to work up a sweat and to obtain a sense of achievement then through an adrenalin pumping game of…

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Environmental awards and Earth Month contest winners were announced at the Earth Month Finale and Alternative Energy Expo on Saturday, April 28 at Columbia Basin College in Pasco. The winner of the Tapteal Greenway's Conservationist of the Year was Andy Plymale. Andy has been a long-time volunteer for the Tapteal Greenway and a highly successful fundraiser. He played a key role in organizing concerts to benefit the Amon Basin Community Project in 2006 and 2007, and is a willing on-call volunteer, helping with various special projects. School contests include a Reuse-a-Shoe and Aluminum Can Contest. The school that collected the most athletic shoes for the annual Reuse-a-Shoe Contest was Badger Mountain Elementary School with 155 pair. They received a…

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RICHLAND, Wash. "” Advanced Technologies and Laboratories International has donated two freshman scholarships to Washington State University Tri-Cities. One of the $6,000 scholarships is for the 2007 incoming class. The second $6,000 scholarship is the first donated for the Richland campus' second wave of freshmen "” the class that starts in fall 2008. "Our resources are limited, but we see this as a good value to the community "” to the Tri-Cities and to the Department of Energy workforce,"Âť said Jou Hwang, ATL president. His wife, Alice Hwang, is the ATL chief executive officer. "ATL is looking to the future of continued analysis and broadened horizons in nuclear and technological fields. But we'll need a resource pool to draw from as our needs for…

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