Our local newspaper reports, "Tri-City educators are working hard to ensure students are meeting and exceeding learning standards and are prepared for life beyond high school. That's what the Kennewick, Pasco and Richland school superintendents said Wednesday during the annual Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce State of Education address in Richland." Kudos for the education system in place for Tri Cities Washington students. Certainly the reason why our community stands above the rest. However, apparently spelling is not high on the list for some. A local school announcing a WASL celebrtaion, er, celebration:

WASL Celebration

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Tri Cities Wa sports has seen a year like no other. Congratulations to the Tri-City Americans players and staff for the most amazing season in franchise history. They amassed 52 wins, 108 points and most importantly for the fans their first U.S. Division title. The Ams also captured the prestigious Scotty Munro trophy for the best record in the Western Hockey League as a whole. Along with that award the Ams earn home ice throughout the playoffs. Just a few short years ago we almost lost this team. In fact, not too long ago Americans co-owner and general manager Bob Tory told me there was a window as small as a half an hour to keep the team here. Thanks to Bob, Olie Kolzig, Stu Barnes and Dennis Lohman, along with the efforts of our U.S. Division…

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The Les Schwab Classy Chassis Parade in East Wenatchee has become a family favorite during the Apple Blossom weekend, so you'll want to claim your spot on the parade route early for this 6:30 p.m. event on Friday, May 2. Then just sit back to enjoy the view and you'll see everything from old to new cars, including the customary "classy chassis," race cars, motorcycles, tractors and even apple bin racers! Then, if you want to get a closer look, the car show is the place to be on Saturday, May 3, in Eastmont Community Park at the corner of Grant Road and Georgia Street. Activities begin with check-in at 10 a.m., and the festivities will be in full swing by noon. In addition to good food and great music, you won't want to miss the Apple Bin Races at 2 pm or…

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Meth Makeover

Tri Cities Washington Crime Stoppers and the Lions Club are at it again. Fighting crime and providing a public service. The above poster is their latest work in providing the public information as a deterrent to crime. The poster is being distributed around our communities in the next several days and weeks to come. Apparently, the efforts of Tri Cities' finest are working, as the Tri City Herald reports lower crime rates from the previous year. The Herald reports Kennewick, Richland, and Pasco being the safest cities in the State of Washington to live in.

A safe community. That is why Colleen and I enjoy providing real estate services to the community. Good job TriCitiesCrimeStoppers, and other Tri Cities peace officers, - keep up the great work!

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