The West Richland Area Chamber of Commerce will be having their membership luncheon on Wednesday April 7, 2010. The lunch, sponsored by WorkSource, will begin at 12:00p at the Sandberg Event Center. The speaker at the event will be the General Manager of Benton Rural Electric Association. For more information about the event or to purchase tickets call 509.967.0521, visit the WRACC website, or email

Joe and Colleen Lane W. Richland Washington Realtors®

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Road Work

The City of Pasco is looking to redo the Lewis Street underpass making it wider and an overpass. Currently the underpass is so narrow that if two busses were to go through at the same time, their mirrors would clip each other. The project will increase public safety and needs to be done said Pasco City Manager Gary Crutchfield. As part of the Lewis Street Overpass project there are about 26 properties that the City is looking to purchase. Among these properties looking to be purchased is two of the Tri City Union Gospel Mission’s properties that are used for storing food and other necessities.

If these properties were purchased by the City then the Mission would have to stop doing Thanksgiving and Christmas boxes and they wouldn’t be able…

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Thirty festivals and events from throughout Washington State were honored with 2010 Summit Awards from Washington Festivals & Events Association (WFEA) for their achievements in marketing and community service associated with events held in 2009. The Summit Awards ceremony took place at the Northwest Festivals and Events conference held on March 9, 2010 at the Seaside, Oregon Convention Center.

The Summit Award is a competition among Washington's festivals and event producers and recognizes those in the industry who are continually improving the quality and image of festivals and special events in the eyes of the community and media.

This year's program attracted more than 140 entries. Categories are judged by budget size and Gold, Silver, and…

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Tri Cities Washington In The National News

Columbia River Homes | Tri Cities Washington

Benton County Most Affordable Metro County in State for First Time Homebuyers

Tri Cities, WA: Ranks #1 on Top 10 Places People are Moving To List

Tri Cities Ranks in 9 Fastest Growing Housing Markets

Tri Cities WA One of the 10 Best Places to Raise your Kids

Tri Cities WA: 13th Strongest Economy

Tri Cities Ranked "Top 10 Real Estate Markets to Watch in 2011"

Tri Cities Washington Next Boomtown 2020

Tri Cities Has Lowest Cost of Living in the State

Tri Cities Washington Home Building Permits Up

Pasco Ranks Number 18 as Fastest Growing Counties Nationwide

CNNMoney Ranks Kennewick as One of the Best Housing Markets

Tri Cities Housing Ranked Number One

Job growth…

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Washington State University Tri Cities

Last week the Washington State University Board of Regents met last Friday at the WSU Tri Cities campus in Richland. At the meeting WSU Tri Cities Chancellor, Vicky Carwein, gave a presentation about the Tri Cities campus and how it is the fastest growing and most diverse of the WSU campus’. WSU Tri Cities has seen considerable growth in the health and science fields as. The Tri Cities branch has been growing steadily over the past couple of years in the 2006-07 school year there were 1,066 students enrolled, this year there are 1,507 students.

This past fall 26% of the new freshman students enrolled at the Tri Cities campus were Hispanic, overall 12% of the student population was Hispanic. Officials at WSU Tri Cities would like to be…

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Duck Pond, Kennewick Washington

The Cities of Richland and Kennewick believe that adding the Hanford Reach Interpretive Center to the west of Columbia Park would be a great addition. However the addition will only happen is it is financially possible to do it. The cities have hired Berger ABAM, a consultant, to help them find alternatives. There are two alternatives being considered, one is with the center and one is without. One of the Richland councilwomen, Sandra Kent, says that adding the interpretive center to the park will only be a good idea if it is financially feasible; Kent does not want the city to be financially at risk. There are other council members who share Kent’s concern. David Rose, a city councilman, was hoping for more private enterprise than what is…

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Tri Cities Quilters' Guild

The Tri-City Quilters' Guild will hold its 27th Annual Quilt Show and merchant mall, "Smell the Roses....Quilt Your Dreams" on Friday, March 26 and Saturday March 27, 2010, at the Three Rivers Convention Center in Kennewick. The hours will be Friday from 10 am to 6 pm and Saturday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. A $5.00 donation is requested at the door. The National Featured Artist is McKenna Ryan. The guild's Featured Artist is Barb Sherrill. The show will feature 400 quilts, a quilt raffle, merchant mall (35 vendors), demonstrations, Guild Challenge quilts, door prizes, silent auction, Hoffman Challenge, antique sewing machines, Joyce Larson (on-site quilt appraiser) and the "Cups for Cancer" exhibit (unusual/whimsical display of unique "bras").…

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One Room School House

The Office of the Superintendent of Public Education has chosen 174 schools statewide that will be receiving the 2009 Washington Achievement Award. Among the selected schools are four Tri City schools and eight schools from surrounding areas, who met several of the areas of growth. Schools chosen for the award were selected based on assessment data from the past three years. These will be awarded at ceremonies around the state on May 5.

Winners in the Mid-Columbia area are:

Overall Excellence:

Lincoln, Ridge View, and Washington elementary schools in Kennewick, Wa; Prosser Heights Elementary School; and Waitsburg Middle School.

Language Arts:

Ridge View and Washington elementary schools in Kennewick, Wa; and Waitsburg Middle…

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Columbia Basin College Logo

The Columbia Basin College Arts Center in Pasco has scheduled out their events for the month of April. The calendar of events includes an art exhibit, lectures, Jazz concerts, and LitFest 2010.

April 9-10 Jazz Unlimited

Concert bands will perform all day with a guest appearance by The Jeff Hamilton Trio at 7:30p on Friday. Jazz bands will be performing all day Saturday. Both days will be in the Gjerde center and in the Theatre at CBC.

April 12 Art Exhibit

An art exhibit by Garrit Van Ness will be on display April 12-May 6 at CBC. The exhibit, titled Evening News, will be presented by Van Ness on April 12 at 3:00p in the Theatre, at 4:00p there will be a catered reception in Esvelt Gallery.

April 16-17 Jazz Unlimited

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Colleen LaneTri Cities Washington Real Estate Agent When dealing with clients, education is the key. The more I know and the more I share with my clients then the more they know. In turn, by educating myself I am also educating my clients. Realtors® who cram in their education just to 'get their clock hours done' are doing themselves and their clients a disservice by not making the most of the education opportunity handed to them.  Agents, education is a good thing! By not getting out what you can from education real estate agents are ultimately costing themselves money. Additionally, a lack of education can cause clients to be unhappy with their agent and therefore not recommend them to their friends, coworkers, and family members. On second thought

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