There is talk of a major public works project for the Northwest that could help create close to 50,000 jobs. The plan to create these jobs would involve funding for the Bonneville Power Administration to expand their transmission system. In the Northwest Bonneville produces about one-third of the region's electricity, which comes from 31 dams along the Columbia River and miles of high voltage transmission lines. This possible project would fit hand in hand with the new government's support of green energy. The biggest energy source east of the Cascades is wind. There is about 2,000 megawatts produced in the Northwest; that is enough to power two cities the size of Seattle.

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WorkerThe Tri-Cities job market is expected to be among the strongest in the nation in the fourth quarter, according to the Manpower Employment Outlook Survey released Sept. 9. About 73 percent of the local companies interviewed for the survey plan to hire additional employees in the months ahead and about 27 percent of the respondents expect to retain their current staff levels. [read the Tri City Herald article]

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Smithsonian InstituteSmithsonian's Museum Day 2008 at CREHST
On Saturday, September 27, 2008, from 10:00am to 5pm CREHST will participate in the fourth annual Museum Day, presented by Smithsonian magazine. Museum Day is a day when museums and cultural institutions nationwide open their doors free of charge to Smithsonian magazine readers and visitors. A celebration of culture, learning and the dissemination of knowledge, Smithsonian's Museum Day reflects the spirit of the magazine, and emulate the free-admission policy of the Smithsonian Institution's Washington, DC-based properties. Last year, upwards of 100,000 people attended Museum Day. All 50 states plus Puerto Rico were represented by 651 participating museums. Attendees must present Smithsonian…

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