Apple to Release the iPad Soon!
Posted by Colleen Lane onApple is at it again with a new gadget that is soon to be a hit when it reaches the stores. The all newiPad is similar to the iPhone, it has many of the same features as the iPhone such as, emailing, looking at pictures, and plenty of other activities. Apple has developed many exciting features such as the iBook storespecifically for the iPad, the bookstore would be similar to the technology of the Kindle. Apple has also come up with an A4 chip that allows iPad users to connect to the internet quickly. The iPad has a 9.7 inch screen, weighs about 1.5 pounds, and is about 0.5 inchis thick. Apple hasn't released when they are planning on releasing the iPad but they have set up an email notification for those who would like to be emailed when the release date…
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