Tri City Regional Chamber of Commerce

The Tri City Regional Chamber of Commerce is having their annual dinner on Wednesday, March 14. The evening will begin at 5:30 with a social hour, the dinner will begin at 6:30. The agenda for the rest of the evening will include a sponsor appreciation, recognition and awards presentation, 2009 chairman’s message and board recognition, the 2010 chairman’s message and a keynote speaker. The keynote speaker will be Pat McGaughey who will be talking about high performance in today’s economy. The dinner will take place at the Three Rivers Convention Center in Kennewick. Tickets for the dinner cost $50 per person or $400 for a table of eight and can be reserved by calling the Chamber at 509.736.0510. Deadline for registration is March 17.

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There is talk that the Hanford Reach Interpretive Center could be located near the west end of a redeveloped Columbia Park. They would like to add recreational features like an indoor carousel or a beach. Those in support of the plan foresee the facility to be a major attraction that would offer insights into the natural and cultural history of the area. The deputy city manager, Bill King, says that a consultant has been hired to design a plan for 146 acres of land at Columbia Park that would include the Reach Center. This development will be a combined effort between the Cities of Richland and Kennewick. King believes that the park in both cities is a great idea but there are still several loose ends that need to be tied up.

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Lined up Glasses of Red Wine

On February 23 the Ice Harbor Brewery, in Kennewick, will be hosting a Wine and Dine dinner featuring Anelare Winery. Beginning at 7:30 there will be a presentation by a representative from the winery. On the menu will be red-wine poached pears stuffed with mascarpone, chipotle marinated filets, and white and dark chocolate tiramisu. The cost per person is $50, the only forms of payment accepted is cash and check. Tickets are pre-sold only; to order them call Tess Canaday at Ice Harbor Brewery, 509.586.3181.

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Richland High School Bombers

The Richland School District has been interviewing candidates for the soon to be open superintendant position. Last week the school board interviewed several candidates and they have narrowed down the list to two.  The two candidates that are being considered are: James Busey, who is currently the superintendant of the Lake Chelan School District; and Steve Chestnut, who is currently the superintendent of Selah public schools. The two candidates will be going through day long sessions today and tomorrow. These sessions will include a tour, lunch with the board members, and meetings with staff. From 7:30-9:00 pm there will be an open forum in the Richland High School Library for community members to ask questions. The new superintendant is…

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Hanford Site 1945

On March 9 internet registration will begin for those interested in tours at Hanford. The Department of Energy has planned 60 tours for this year of the nuclear reservation between April 13 and September 15. For a list of all the tour dates or to register for the Hanford tours visit the Hanford website.  The Department of Energy has also schedule an additional 50 tours of the B Reactor between April 6 and September 25. For a list of all the tour dates or to register for the B Reactor tours visit the B Reactor Tour Headquarters between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm after registration begins on March 16. Those would like to participate in the tours must be 18 years old or older and to visit Hanford a participant must be a U.S. Citizen.

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Wine Glass and Bottle

On Thursday there will be a wine seminar at Washington State University Tri-Cities about learning to detect defects in wines. The seminar will be led by Thomas Henick-Kling, director of WSU’s Viticulture and Enology Program, and Richland Larsen, USDA plant pathologist at the WSU extension in Prosser. The wine seminar will begin at 6:30 pm in the Consolidated Information Center at WSU Tri Cities. Participants must be 18 years old or older and the cost is $35 per person. Preregistration is required, you may preregister at the WSU Tri Cites website or by calling 509.372.7606.'

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High Schoolers doing Science

This Saturday February 20, the annual regional science bowl, sponsored by the Department of Energy and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, will be held in Richland. About three dozen teams of high school students will compete in the event. Teams will answer questions about subjects like astronomy, biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics and other topics. The team who wins the double elimination competition will be able to compete in the national science bowl in Washington D.C. with the trip paid for. The competition will begin at 8:15 am, and the awards ceremony is expected to begin at 3:00 pm.

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ShareFest 2010 Service Project

Several years ago churches in the Tri Cities area joined together to put on an event called ShareFest. The event brings area churches together to hold food and blood drives, do service projects, and hold special offerings for community groups. This year there will be a blood drive March 15 – 26 at various churches in the area. The ShareFest workday will be on March 20 this year and collection Sunday, where churches hold the special offering, will be on March 21. In past five years that collection has gone to fourteen different agencies like; Grace Clinic, Boys & Girls club, Young Life, Union Gospel Mission, Domestic Violence Services, and others. This year the money raised will go to the Benton-Franklin Juvenile Drug Court. For more …

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West Richland residents will be voting for the second time on an EMS tax that would fund ambulance transport services. Currently Benton Fire District 4 does run any ambulances, when they respond to an emergency where an ambulance is needed they have to call an ambulance from Richland Fire Department of Fire District 2 in Benton City. The first time the levy went to vote it was paired with a $3 million bond and did not receive the 60% needed to pass. This time through the levy is by itself and would cost residents about $0.50 per $1,000 of assessed value. The levy will be put to vote April 27.

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Child Bowling

For the past 14 years Junior Achievement in the Tri Cities has been putting on a Bowling Classic Fundraiser. There will also be an online auction on March 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6. For the bowling classic team captains need to recruit four other players to make a team, each player must be 18 years or older, they also need to raise a minimum of $100 to be eligible to win prizes. There is $50,000 in prizes ranging from vacations to Costco gift cards to various gift certificates. To enroll a team in the event visit the Junior Achievement Website.

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