Swan in Columbia River

The Lower Columbia Basin Audubon Society will have a public meeting tonight at First Lutheran Church in Kennewick. Dennis Dauble, a fisheries biologist, will be speaking at the meeting about the ecological relationship between fish and birds. Dauble will also be providing a general background about the fish in the Tri Cities area. The meeting will begin at 7:00 pm with a short, 30-minute business meeting; Dauble’s talk will start at 7:45. Visit the Lower Columbia Basin Audubon Society’s website for more information.

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The Richland Parks and Recreation Department is currently working on building a water spray area at the Badger Mountain Community Park on Keene Rd in Richland. The water park would be the first in Richland, there are currently two in Kennewick and one in Pasco, Richland will finally have their own. The park will include 19 different water features. Half the funding for the park is coming from the state through a land and water conservation grant the rest is coming from various contributions from groups in the Tri City area. The water spray park is expected to be completed by June.

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Columbia Basin College Logo

The American Cancer Society is looking for team captains or members who would like to participate in the Columbia River Relay for Life. Those interested are asked to attend a rally on February 23 at the Columbia Basin College Health Science Center in Richland. The rally for the event will begin at 6:00 pm. The Columbia River Relay for Life is a fundraiser; all proceeds go to cancer research and education. Visit the Columbia River Relay for Life website for more information.

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Columbia Basin College Logo

This Wednesday at Columbia Basin College there will be an eating disorder awareness event from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. The event will be held in room TD 435. There will be a showing of America the Beautiful which looks at America’s fixation on outward appearance and unrealistic views of beauty. There will be materials available in the HUB from 8:00 am to Noon. Call Carrie DeLeon in the CBC counseling department for more information at 509.542.5508.

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The Pasco Planning Commission has delayed the discussion about a new elementary school until March 18. The chairman of the commission Todd Samuel says the meeting will be held to discuss how the cost of road improvements near Sandifur and Rd 60, where the new school is planned, will be covered. The city of Pasco paid for some of the improvements of Chiawana, they are hoping to avoid having to pay anything for the new school. The decision for the new school came because of the increasing number of elementary students in the school district; this past year nearly 400 students came into the district.

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Richland City Council Looking to Fill Planning Commission Positions

City of Richland Washington

The Richland City Council are looking for, and accepting applications for two positions to be filled on the planning commission. Positions 6 and 8 will be expiring on March 1; applications for these positions will be accepted until March 8. Applicants must be residents of Richland and have a desire to be involved with land use development. An applicant must also know about community priorities and have a background in civil engineering, urban planning, architecture, geology, transportation, or economic development. To learn more about the planning commission positions or to get an application visit the City Clerk’s Office in Richland or call 509.942.7388.


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West Richland Golf Course.

The West Richland Golf Course in the Tri Cities will be having a ground breaking ceremony on Thursday, February 25. The first clubhouse was destroyed in 2008 by a fire. The groundbreaking will be for the new clubhouse at the golf course, there will also be a reception on the 25th. The West Richland Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring the event along with the City of West Richland. The ground breaking will begin at 11:30 am at the West Richland Golf Course. For more information about the ground breaking or the reception call 509.967.0521.

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The ARC of the Tri Cities will be holding their second annual Blazing the Trails Charity Event on Saturday, March 20. The event will be held at Musser’s Private Airport Hanger in Pasco. The event is to raise money for the ARC’s new building in Richland; the new building will be built to a green standard with a Silver LEED certification. Over 2,000 children and adults are helped by the efforts of ARC of the Tri Cities every year. The current facility has been maxed out and there are over 500 people on a waiting list. For information on sponsorship or tickets contact Cathy Preston at 509.946.5157.

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Tri City Regional Chamber of Commerce

The Tri City Regional Chamber of Commerce will be celebrating the opening of Charter College this afternoon with a ribbon cutting. The ribbon cutting will take place at Charter College which is located at the Broadmoor Mall in Pasco. The open house and ribbon cutting will begin at 2:00 pm. For more information about the ribbon cutting or to RSVP call 509.736.0510 or email info@tricityregionalchamber.com.

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Washington State University Tri Cities

Washington State University in both Pullman and the Tri Cities have received nearly $1.1 million by the Department of Energy. The Bioproducts, Sciences, and Engineering Laboratory on the Tri Cities campus received about $620,000 in funding for the research by the Bioproducts and Bioenergy team. The Pullman campus received $495,000 to go towards algae research by the College of Agriculture, Human and Natural Resource Sciences.

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