Found 24 blog entries tagged as books.

'Mid-Columbia Libraries' Presents 'Reading Under the Influence' - A Unique Reading Experience for Adults | Richland, WAThe Mid-Columbia Libraries will present the Reading Under the Influence event on July 21, 2016, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Reading Under the Influence will take place at Paper Street Brewing Company, 701 The Pkwy, Richland, WA. For more details, visit the Reading Under the Influence page on Facebook.

About Reading Under the Influence
Reading Under the Influence provides a unique experience that features Karaoke Style book reading while drinking beer. The theme for this particular Reading Under the Influence event is 'Not so helpful self-help and useless how-to's". The guests can join a challenge which will require them to ridicule reading for a chance to win special prizes.

Reading Under the Influence is strictly for adults 21 years old and above.…

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Father's Day Storytime at Barnes & Noble Columbia Center featuring 'Dad School' and 'Grandpa Loves You' in KennewickThe Barnes & Nobles Columbia Center will host a special event on June 14, 2016, in honor of all fathers in the community. It's the Father's Day Storytime, and everyone is invited to come and spend a meaningful time at Barnes & Noble, Suite 800, 1321 N. Columbia Center Boulevard, Kennewick, WA. The Father's Day Storytime will begin at 11:00 a.m. Kindly visit Barnes & Noble's website for more details.

About the Father's Day Storytime
Two books will be featured in celebration of Father's Day at Barnes and Noble. These are 'Dad School' and 'Grandpa Loves You'. These books are both published earlier this year and was written by Rebecca Van Slyke and P.K. Hallinan respectively. 'Dad School' talks about how a Dad learns all the chores he has to undertake as a…

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Summer Reading Challenge 2016 : 'Go For Gold': Brave the Challenges, Savor the Rewards | Mid-Columbia LibrariesThe Mid-Columbia Libraries is pleased to announce that the Summer Reading Challenge 2016: Go For Gold event will start on June 1, 2016. Summer Reading Challenge 2016: Go For Gold will run until August 19, 2016. Kindly visit Mid-Columbia Libraries' website or visit your local library for more details.

About Summer Reading Challenge 2016: Go For Gold
The Summer Reading Challenge 2016: Go For Gold is a fun, rewarding activity for the whole family. It encourages everyone to keep their mind working, to explore more on what needs to be learned, and to be more creative and inventive.

Participants of Summer Reading Challenge 2016 have to follow the rules in order to finish the event successfully. There are 5 EXPLORE Activities and another 5 CREATE activities…

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Mid-Columbia Libraries' Read-A-Thon 2016: The Most Rewardingly Relaxing Marathon at West Pasco BrancThe Mid-Columbia Libraries will present the 'Read-A-Thon' at its West Pasco Branch on the 21st of May, 2016. 'Read-A-Thon' will run from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Mid-Columbia Libraries West Pasco Branch is stationed at 7525 Wrigley Dr., Pasco, WA. Kindly visit the website of Mid-Columbia Libraries for more details.

Read-A-Thon 2016: Binge, Read, and Chill
Join the 'Read-A-Thon 2016' event and enjoy some hours of reading in a truly relaxing atmosphere, made even more soothing with background music. This event is open to any age, and it offers the best venue for friends and families to bond. Open mic reading is set all day. Drinks are available via Dutch Bros mobile service which will station at the venue the whole day of the event.

To perk up the day,…

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Mid-Columbia Libraries' Celebration of Pasco WA Library's 54th Birthday and El Día de los Niños: Recognizing the Importance of LiteracyThe Mid-Columbia Libraries is inviting everyone to join the "Pasco Library's 54th Birthday and El Día de los Niños" event which will be held on the 30th of April, 2016. The celebration will run from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. and will be held at the Mid-Columbia Libraries - Pasco Branch at 1320 W Hopkins St., Pasco, WA. Please visit the Mid-Columbia Libraries' website for more details.

About the Pasco Library's 54th Birthday and El Día de los Niños Event
For the celebration of "Pasco Library's 54th Birthday & El DĂ­a de los Niños", the Mid-Columbia Libraries has prepared some fun activities for the participants. There will be great entertainment and some giveaways, too. El DĂ­a de los Niños is also known as simply "DĂ­a." Some refer to it as Children's Day…

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Book Signing at Bookwalter Winery Featuring Book Signing at Bookwalter Winery will feature "Manhattan Project at Hanford Site" on March 6, 2016. The book signing will run from 3:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. and will be held at the Bookwalter Winery which is located at 894 Tulip Lane, Richland, WA. Please visit the website of Bookwalter Winery for more details.

Manhattan Project at Hanford
The CEO of the REACH Museum, Lisa Toomey, will grace her presence at Bookwalter Winery to sign the newly published book, "Manhattan Project at Hanford Site." Apart from the book signing activity, there will also be storytelling which will be led by the children of Robley Johnson, Catherine and Gene. Robley Johnson's private collection of photos, appetizers and wine, will be presented through a slideshow. RSVP will be…

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Mid-Columbia Libraries' Winter Reading ChallengeThe Winter Reading Challenge
The Mid-Columbia Libraries is inviting everyone to join the Winter Reading Challenge which will be held from December 14, 2015 until January 8, 2016. By simply reading for 20 minutes in one day, attending a library program, volunteering or doing an outdoor winter activity, one can win a $500 Visa gift card or a Kindle Fire!

May the Challenge be with You
Those who are interested to join the Winter Reading Challenge may proceed to their local Mid-Columbia Libraries branch to have their challenge log picked up. Participants must complete the activities in the form and put an X in every challenge accomplished! Once one row, column, or diagonal of five has been completed, the log must be returned to the library for a chance to…

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Mid-Columbia's Rivers Of Ink Richland Public Library Richland, WashingtonCome join this year's Rivers of Ink event, Mid-Columbia's only professional writer's conference happening at the Richland Public Library in Richland, Washington on October 9 to 10.

Rivers of Ink
The event started in October 2009. It will be two days full of panel, workshops, book sales. ,local authors and a lot more. Rivers of Ink aims to connect readers and writers in the Tri-Cities area.

The keynote speakers in this year's event will be Kathleen Alcala, the author of a story collection, Mrs. Vargas and the Dead Naturalist, and three novels set in 19th Century Mexico. She has been a writer in residence at Seattle University, Richard Hugo House and the University of New Mexico.

And, Karen Spears Zacharias, a former TriCity Herald columnist and…

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Books & Vines Dinner And Auction Bookwalter Winery Richland, WashingtonOn Friday, September 11 everyone is invited to the Books & Vines Dinner and Auction happening at Bookwalter Winery in Richland, Washington from 5:00 to 10:00 in the evening.

8th Annual Books & Vines Dinner and Auction 
The Books & Vines Dinner and Auction will be an evening filled will be an evening filled with philanthropy - live and silent auctions, revelry, gourmet foods and outstanding wine.

This will be a benefit event for the Children's Reading Foundation of the Mid-Columbia (CRFMC). Ticket price is $165.

For reservation please email Sara Schwan at or call 509-222-7323. For more information click here.

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C3 Spring/Summer Children’s Consignment Sale In Richland,WashingtonOn Friday, April 10 and Saturday, April 11 head to Columbia Community Church located at 150 Gage Boulevard Richland, Washington for the C3 Spring/Summer Children’s Consignment Sale from 9:00 in the morning until 4:00 in the afternoon. Admission is free.

More about C3 Spring/Summer Children’s Consignment Sale
There will be over 13,000 new and gently used children’s items; clothes, toys, books and games, strollers, bikes, furniture, baby items and more! Many items are offered at ½ off on Saturday. A portion of the proceeds will benefit Lourdes Summer Day Program, Rascal Rodeo, and SUDS.

Admission: One canned or non-perishable food item for Second Harvest Food Bank.

For more details of the C3 Spring/Summer Children’s Consignment Sale click here…

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