Mid-Columbia Libraries' Celebration of Pasco WA Library's 54th Birthday and El Día de los Niños: Recognizing the Importance of LiteracyThe Mid-Columbia Libraries is inviting everyone to join the "Pasco Library's 54th Birthday and El Día de los Niños" event which will be held on the 30th of April, 2016. The celebration will run from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. and will be held at the Mid-Columbia Libraries - Pasco Branch at 1320 W Hopkins St., Pasco, WA. Please visit the Mid-Columbia Libraries' website for more details.

About the Pasco Library's 54th Birthday and El Día de los Niños Event
For the celebration of "Pasco Library's 54th Birthday & El Día de los Niños", the Mid-Columbia Libraries has prepared some fun activities for the participants. There will be great entertainment and some giveaways, too. El Día de los Niños is also known as simply "Día." Some refer to it as Children's Day or Book Day. It's a way to celebrate and highlight the importance of literacy, especially for children. The observance of this event is also to encourage everyone to practice reading and visiting libraries. It aims to enhance every family's literacy awareness and knowledge about culture, language, and heritage.

Mid-Columbia Libraries' Celebration of Pasco WA Library's 54th Birthday and El Día de los Niños: Recognizing the Importance of Literacy

Posted by Colleen D. Lane on


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