Chakra Yoga Workshop: Attaining Optimal Health Through Yoga Practices | Richland Washington Parks and RecreationThe Richland Parks and Recreation is pleased to present the Chakra Yoga Workshop which will be held on October 1, 2016, from 10:35 a.m. until 12:05 p.m. This will be held at the Richland Community Center, at 500 Amon Park Dr., Richland, WA, For more details, you may visit the Chakra Yoga Workshop page on Facebook.

About the Chakra Yoga Workshop
This workshop will help the participants learn what Chakras really are. It will also enlighten everyone which yoga poses can activate the chakras and how these practices can be incorporated into one's usual exercises. Students are advised to bring their own yoga mat and notebook. Admission to the Chakra Yoga Workshop costs $10 each for residents and $12.50 each for non-residents. Don't miss it!

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Creating a Culture Where All Students Thrive by Educational Service District 123 | Richland, WAThe Educational Service District 123 is pleased to present 'Creating a Culture Where All Students Thrive' on September 26 to 27, 2016, from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. This will be held at the Shilo Inns located at 50 Comstock St., Richland, WA. For more details, please visit the 'Creating a Culture Where All Students Thrive' page on Facebook.

About 'Creating a Culture Where All Students Thrive'
'Creating a Culture Where All Students Thrive' will feature Dr. Luis Cruz who also presented the professional learning formed during the last two years: “Building Leadership Capacity” and “Transforming School Culture”.

'Creating a Culture Where All Students Thrive' aims to make school leaders more empowered to effectively develop a culture where every student…

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Art by Tami: Creating One's Own Version of Tami's Friendship Flower at Wine Notes Wine Bar | Richland, WAThe Wine Notes Wine Bar will present the 'Art by Tami' event on September 28, 2016, from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. The Wine Notes Wine Bar is located at 4390 W. Van Giesen WE, Richland, WA. For more details, please visit the Art by Tami page at Wine Notes' website.

About the 'Art by Tami' Event at Wine Notes Wine Bar
Art by Tami is an event where everyone gets to discover his art potential. The participants can create their own unique version of the abstract by Tami, 'Friendship Flower'. The participants' masterpieces will be created on a 9" by 12" canvas. For the price of $55, one can join the 'Art by Tami' event. This price is inclusive of all the necessary supplies and acrylic paint. Everybody can join regardless of painting experience. Do not miss it!

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Unveiling the Mysteries of Mechanical Ventilation | Nicole Kupchik Consulting and Education | Richland, WANicole Kupchik Consulting and Education is pleased to present the 'Unveiling the Mysteries of Mechanical Ventilation' event on September 30, 2016, from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. This event will be held at Kadlec Regional Medical Center which is located at 888 Swift Boulevard, Richland, WA. For more details, please visit the Unveiling the Mysteries of Mechanical Ventilation page on Facebook.

About 'Unveiling the Mysteries of Mechanical Ventilation'
Nurses and Respiratory Therapists, especially those who are working in critical care and emergency department, and individuals who are simply interested in learning the strategies effective in dealing with a patient who requires mechanical ventilation are cordially invited to attend this event. 


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Sweetest Daddy-Daughter Prom 2016: Nurturing the Bond Between Father and Daughter at Pasco Washington Senior Center The Sweetest Daddy-Daughter Prom 2016 will be held on the 8th of October 2016. This celebration will run from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. and will be held at Pasco Senior Center at 1315 North 7th Avenue, Pasco, WA. For more details, please visit the Special Events and Seasonal Programs page at Pasco, Washington's website.

About the 'Sweetest Daddy-Daughter Prom 2016'
The Sweetest Daddy-Daughter Prom 2016 is an exciting event which aims to celebrate the bond between girls and the father figure in their life. Participating girls should be 5 to 13 years old. The prom will be filled with fun and will highlight the daddy-daughter's opportunity to dance together. Refreshments will be served to keep the attendees reinvigorated as they dance the night away. For…

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Kadlec Washington Traumatic Brain Injury and Strategic Partnership Advisory Council Presents A Symposium on Traumatic Brain Injury | Richland, WA Kadlec, through the Washington Traumatic Brain Injury and Strategic Partnership Advisory Council, is pleased to present the Symposium on Traumatic Brain Injury on September 28, 2016, from 9:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. This event will be held at the Red Lion Hanford House, 802 George Washington Way, Richland, WA. For more details, please visit the Symposium on Traumatic Brain Injury page on Facebook.

About the Symposium on Traumatic Brain Injury
The Symposium on Traumatic Brain Injury will feature Sean McClintock and Zach Chalk's survivor's story. Janet Novinger will be at the venue for her Interactive Networking Presentation while Samantha Murphy will have a presentation on Assistive Technology. Dr. Matthew E. Fewel, a Neurosurgeon representing the Kadlec…

1016 Views, 0 Comments

The Original Image of Divine Mercy: The Untold Story of an Unknown Masterpiece in Pasco, WAThe Original Image of Divine Mercy: The Untold Story of An Unknown Masterpiece will be held on September 24, 2016, from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. This film screening will be held at St Patricks Parish, 1320 W Henry St.,Pasco, WA. For more details, please visit the Film Screening page on Facebook.

About 'The Original Image of Divine Mercy: The Untold Story of an Unknown Masterpiece'
The Original Image of Divine Mercy is a new documentary that centers on the history of the original painting of which production was authorized by St. Faustina. This film gives prominence to Bishop Robert Barron of Los Angeles, Cardinal Stanistaw Dziwisz, George Weigel, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, Jom Gaffigan and musician Harry Connick Jr. among others. The Vatican's…

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2016 McCurley Canyon Lakes Orange Ball Scramble in Kennewick, WAThe 2016 McCurley Canyon Lakes Orange Ball Scramble will be held on September 24, 2016. This event will run from 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. and will be held at the Canyon Lakes Golf Course at 3700 W Canyon Lakes Dr. Kennewick, WA. For more details, please visit the 2016 McCurley Canyon Lakes Orange Ball Scramble page at Canyon Lakes Golf Course website.

About the '2016 McCurley Canyon Lakes Orange Ball Scramble'
The registration for the 2016 McCurley Canyon Lakes Orange Ball will run until September 22, 2016, at 6:00 p.m. The first 32 teams to register, which should be comprised of 4 individuals per team, will be accommodated for this event. Entry fee costs $75 per player, inclusive of green fees, chili feed, pumpkin pie, range balls and one Orange Ball…

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Intro to Garment Construction with Veronica McRae: A 2-Part Workshop at Sandy's Fabrics | Kennewick, WAIntro to Garment Construction with Veronica McRae: A 2-Part Workshop will be held on September 24 and October 12, 2016. On the 24th, the workshop will start from 10:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. and on the 12th, it will be at 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. This will be held at Sandy's Fabrics, at 24 North Bentos St., Kennewick, WA. For more details, please visit the Intro to Garment Construction page on Facebook.

About 'Intro to Garment Construction Workshop'
Intro to Garment Construction is a two-part class that offers simplified dynamics of fabrics and pattern construction. This class is ideal for beginners since it features techniques for the basic clothes sewing.

Leading the Garment Construction Workshop is Veronica McRae. She has been sewing since she was…

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Gesa Carousel of Dreams 2nd Anniversary: The Dream Becomes A Reality! Two Years Strong | Kennewick, WAThe Gesa Carousel of Dreams 2nd Anniversary will be held on September 24, 2016. The celebration will run from 11:00 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. Gesa Carousel of Dreams is located at 2901 Southridge Boulevard, Kennewick, WA. For more details, please visit the Gesa Carousel of Dreams 2nd Anniversary page on Facebook.

About the 'Gesa Carousel of Dreams 2nd Anniversary'
The celebration of Gesa Carousel of Dreams will be filled with fun and exciting activities. To start it off will be 'WE Ice' and Bounce Houses which will be at the venue from 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. There will also be video game trails from 12:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. It will also feature the Keith Ramsay Magic Show at 3:30 p.m. Stilt Walker will be walking around the venue starting at 4:30 p.m. The…

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