Coffee with a Cop: An Opportunity to Meet the Community's Security Providers at Burger King | Pasco, WAJoin the Coffee with a Cop event on September 28, 2016. This event will run from 4:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. and will be held at Burger King 2407 W.Court St., Pasco, WA. This event will be made possible by the Pasco Police Department. For more details, please visit the Coffee with a Cop page on Facebook.

About 'Coffee with a Cop'
The Coffee with a Cop event is rare opportunity to spend time with the community police officers. While having coffee, everybody gets a chance to engage in a conversation with the Pasco Police Department personnel.

Attendees can ask questions or have their concerns imparted with the officers. It's also a great opportunity to know what needs to be done in case help from the police needs to be sought.

Don't miss it!

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$5 Fill A Bag Event: Shop for Clothes, Shoes and Toys at Children's Attic | Kennewick The '$5 Fill A Bag Event' at the Children's Attic will take place on the 24th of September 2016. This event will begin at 10:00 a.m. The Children's Attic is located at 3013 W Kennewick Ave., Kennewick, WA. For more details,please visit the $5 Fill A Bag Event on Facebook.

About the $5 Fill A Bag Event at Children's Attic
The $5 Fill A Bag Event is regarded as Tri-Cities original $5 bag sale. Attending this event lets everyone get hold of clothes, shoes, toys and more quality items. The Children's Attic will prepare 40 marked bins where shoppers can put in as many items as they can and pay for all of its content for only $5.

Everyone is advised to come early to get the best selection. Let this event known to friends and families so everybody can take…

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2016 Benton-Franklin Mounted Sheriff's Play Day Series: Fun and Safe Event for Individuals of All Ages | Kennewick, WAThe 2016 Benton-Franklin Mounted Sheriff's Play Day Series will be held on September 24, October 1, and October 8, 2016. This will be held at Benton-Franklin County Fair Grounds in Kennewick, WA. For more details, please visit the Benton Franklin Mounted Sheriff's Posse Playday Series page on Facebook.

About the 2016 Benton-Franklin Mounted Sheriff's Posse Playday Series
The 2016 Benton-Franklin Mounted Sheriff's Posse Playday Series is a fun event that individuals of all ages can join. It will feature five different divisions: Barrels, Poles, Two Versatility Events, Time Only and Lead Line. Buckles, ribbons, and trophies will be given out to deserving players. The 2016 Benton-Franklin Mounted Sheriff's Posse Playday Series promotes a safe and fun time…

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Bombing Range Brewing Company Grand Opening Party: Merrymaking with the Ultimate September Weather| Richland, WAThe Bombing Range Brewing Company is inviting everyone to join its Grand Opening Party on September 24, 2016, from 11:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. This will be held at 2000 Logston Boulevard,126, Richland, WA. For more details, visit the Grand Opening Party page on Facebook.

About the 'Bombing Range Brewing Company Grand Opening Party'
The Bombing Range Brewing Company Grand Opening Party in Richland WA makes a great getaway with this fascinating Summer weather. To make more space for the party, part of the parking lot will be utilized for the event's celebration of food, music and beer. The Bombing Range Brewing Company will boast about three of their best beers for everyone to try. Performances from local talents will be featured and some great giveaways…

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Tri-Cities Hispanic Chamber of Commerce | 20th General Membership Networking Luncheon in Pasco, WAThe Tri-Cities Hispanic Chamber of Commerce will hold its 20th General Membership Networking Luncheon on September 20, 2016, from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. This will be held at the Red Lion Hotel at 2525 N 20th Ave., Pasco, WA.

About the '20th Tri-Cities Hispanic Chamber of Commerce - General Membership Networking Luncheon
Mackay Sposito and Purple Star will sponsor the 20th General Membership Networking Luncheon. The keynote presentation will be "Branding is Fundamental". Speaking for this event is Kyle Cox, the Executive Director of the Mid-Columbia Libraries. Kyle Cox is currently the Chair of Tri-Cities Branding Implementation Leadership Team. He is also serving at the office of the Secretary of State's Library Council of Washington and the…

1298 Views, 0 Comments

2nd Annual All Community Picnic: A Fun Eating Event for Pets and Owners Benefitting the Benton-Franklin Humane Society in Kennewick, WAThe Benton-Franklin Humane Society is inviting everyone to join the 2nd Annual All Community Picnic which will be held on September 24, 2016, from 11:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. This will be held at Benton-Franklin Humane Society shelter located at 1736 E 7th Ave., Kennewick,WA. For more details, please visit the 2nd Annual All Community Picnic page on Facebook.

About the 2nd Annual All Community Picnic
The 2nd Annual All Community Picnic is a great event to enjoy the latter part of summer with family and friends. The Swampy's smoker will serve delicious BBQ which no one can resist! There will be hot and fresh churros, too. To excite everyone at the venue, live and silent auctions will be carried out, as well as class photos for all adopters. Behaved pets…

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Live Sound Production Workshop with Trevor Marvin | Confluent Space Tri-Cities in Richland, WA-The Confluent Space Tri-Cities is pleased to present the Live Sound Production Workshop with Trevor Marvin event on September 24, 2016, from 2:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. This will be held at Confluent Space Tri-Cities located at 285 Williams Boulevard, Richland, WA. For more details, visit the Live Sound Production Workshop with Trevor Marvin page on Facebook.

About 'Live Sound Production Workshop with Trevor Marvin'
The Live Sound Production Workshop with Trevor Marvin is intended for individuals 15 years old and above. Participants should have remarkable interest on music to enjoy this workshop. The class will be headed by Trevor Marvin, Confluent's very own audio engineer and sound guy. The Live Sound Production Workshop will feature performances of…

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Arduino Bootcamp Workshop: Learn to Operate and Program Electronics | Delta High School in Pasco, WA The Arduino Bootcamp Workshop will take place on September 20, 2016, at 3:30 p.m. This will be held at Delta High School which is located at 5801 Broadmoor Boulevard, Pasco, WA.

About the 'Arduino Bootcamp Workshop'
The Arduino Bootcamp Workshop is ideal for middle school and high school teachers from the Mid-Columbia region but everyone who has an interest in electronics will be accommodated. This workshop will also take place on the 27th of September, 2016. It's a great venue to learn about programming and operating electronics. Participants get to broaden their understanding about Arduino with researchers from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory or PPNL.

The Arduino Bootcamp Workshop helps the participants earn five hours of learning…

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Meet the Midwives Night: A Chance to Explore Midwife Options by Buckwheat Bottoms | Richland, WAJoin the Meet the Wives Night at Buckwheat Bottoms on September 27, 2016. This gathering will run from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Buckwheat Bottoms is located at 1386 Jadwin Ave., Richland,WA. For more details, visit the Meet The Midwives Night page on Facebook.

About 'Meet The Midwives Night'
One of the most important plans that expectant moms should make before giving birth is selecting a birth care provider. Through this event, pregnant moms and women who are planning to get pregnant soon will have an opportunity to explore their options. This event will be attended by local midwives. The attendees can ask questions to the guest midwives and gauge their personalities. This can help them decide the traits they want for their birth care provider. This…

942 Views, 0 Comments

Saturday at Scrap: Percussion Workshop - Learn to Create Music Through Recycled Materials | Kennewick, WASCRAP Tri-Cities is inviting everyone to join the Saturday at Scrap event which will feature a Percussion Workshop on September 24, 2016, from 1:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. This will be held at SCRAP Tri-Cities at 323 W 1st Ave., Kennewick, WA. For more details, visit the Saturday at Scrap: Percussion Workshop page on Facebook.

About 'Saturday at Scrap: Percussion Workshop'
Scrap Tri-Cities is pleased to help everyone learn how to create unique percussion instruments through discarded packaging and other recycled materials. Participants will be fascinated how wonderful sounds can be produced from unexpected things! Have fun making pleasant beats with the other students. This is for kids ages 5 and up.

Admission to the Saturday at Scrap: Percussion…

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