Found 34 blog entries tagged as sports.


JANUARY 27-29, 2023
Join us for one of the northwest’s finest sportsmen shows.

Head over to the TRAC in Pasco Washington to check out the 18th Annual Sportsman Show! 

For outdoor men, women, and children from throughout the region, the HAPO Center will be filled with the latest in outdoor equipment, a trophy antler collection from the northwest, kid’s fishing pond, free air rifle range, free hourly hunting and fishing seminars, and more!

This year’s show will include many booths and exhibits in both the Expo Hall and the Arena. Exhibitors include retail merchants, factory reps, outdoor clubs and organizations, taxidermists, wildlife art, fishing boats, and fishing and hunting guides who will be available to help you plan your…

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scar warsScar Wars, the Atomic City Roller Derby Doubleheader, will be held on August 19, 2017, from 5:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. The event will take place at the South Ridge Sports and Events Complex, at 2901 Southbridge Boulevard, Kennewick, WA. For more details, visit the website of the Atomic City Roller Girls.

Scar Wars | Fight for a Cause

The community members are invited to watch the Scar Wars: An Atomic City Roller Derby Doubleheader and support the local Tri-City food banks by donating a box of cereal.

Scar Wars will feature the fight between the Atomic City Roller Girls and Columbia Basin Roller Derby. The Church of Atom will also compete with Queer Squad Washington. Both are going to be an exciting fight so don't miss it. 

Admission to the Scar…

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battle of the beastThe 2017 Battle of the Beasts 3 on 3 Basketball will be held on August 19 and 20, at 8 a.m. The event will take place at Road 68 Sports Complex, Pasco, WA. For more details, visit the website of the Battle of the Beasts.

2nd Annual Battle of the Beasts

Battle of the Beasts is regarded as the premier tournament in the Tri-Cities when it comes to 3 on 3 basketball. The tournament will feature more than 200 teams and divisions covering adult open to co-ed youth.

Admission for the adult teams costs $145 each and $135 for the youth teams. The organizers do not restrict the participating teams to seek sponsorship to offset the admission fee but it is solely the team's responsibility.

There will be food vendors on site, as well as ample shades for…

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sports leadership clinicMadSkills Sports and Fitness is pleased to present the Sports Leadership Clinic for Parents, Coaches, and Athletes on July 15, 2017, from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. The clinic will take place at the Westside Church Gymnasium, at 1007 Wright Ave., Richland, WA.

Sports Leadership Clinic for Parents, Coaches, and Athletes

The Sports Leadership Clinic will be comprised of interactive activities that will teach how to build winning characters and shape future champions. The event will feature the USA Basketballs Tri-City Coach Academy, along with special guests, who will impart tips on how to develop on-court and off-court leadership skills. Among topics included in the leadership clinic are tips on how to be a great sports parent, building characters,…

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copa imageThe 2nd Annual Copa Cinco de Mayo will be held on April 29, 2017, from 9:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m., and on April 30, 2017, with playoffs beginning at 9:00 a.m. and championship game at 3:00 p.m. The game will take place at Tri-Cities Youth Soccer Association Complex, at 6160 Burden Boulevard, Pasco, WA. For more details, visit Pasco Soccer League page on Facebook or call (509) 845-5947.

About the 2nd Annual Copa Cinco de Mayo
The 2nd Annual Copa Cinco de Mayo winners will bring home $1000 for the first place and $500 for the 2nd place. Registration costs $250 per team. Copa Cinco de Mayo is a part of the Cinco de Mayo Festival, a community celebration held in Downtown Pasco, which aims to provide a fun family experience for everyone.

Cinco de Mayo…

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Pasco RecreationJoin the Recreation Spring Break Camps hosted by the City of Pasco Washington beginning April 3, 2017. For more details, visit the website of Pasco Parks and Recreation or call 509-545-3456.

About Pasco Recreation Spring Break Camps
Pasco Recreation Spring Break Camps are comprised of Tennis Camp and LaCrosse Clinic. Kids ages 5 to 12 are welcome to join the Tennis Camp which will be held at Pasco Highschool Tennis Courts, at 1108 N 10th Ave, Pasco, WA. The camp will have two separate classes for kids 5 to 8 years old and kids 9 to 12 years old. The Tennis Camp will run from April 3 to 6. Admission to the Tennis Camp costs $40 to $50 each.

Meanwhile, the LaCrosse Clinic is designed for kids 7 to 19 years old. The clinic will be held at James McGee…

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Basketball CampSpring Break Basketball Camp will be held on April 8, 2017, at 12:00 p.m. The camp will take place at the Trinity Church, at 1006 Wright Ave., Richland, WA. For more details, visit the Spring Break Basketball Camp page on Facebook or call 509-203-5771.

About Spring Break Basketball Camp
Mad Skills Basketball Acadamy is pleased to present the Spring Break Basketball Camp, which will focus on developing the little ones' strength, agility, and speed, and overall fitness. Spring Break Basketball Camp is designed for kids and young adults ages 7 and above. Coach Verne Jones will be the camp's mentor. Jones is a licensed coach who is working with the USA Olympic Team and JR NBA.

Spring Break Basketball Camp is a USA Team Youth Development Event where the…

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Super Bowl Party at The SportsPage Bar | NFL Fanatics Feast in KennewickThe Super Bowl Party will be held on the 8th of February 2017, from 7:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. It will take place at The SportsPage Bar, at 6 S. Cascade St., Kennewick, WA. For more details, please visit the Super Bowl Party at The Page page on Facebook.

About the Super Bowl Party
Fanatics of the National Football League and those who simply want to spend some time with friends and family are all invited to join the Super Bowl Party at The Page. Admission to the Super Bowl Party costs $45 per person and $70 per couple. This is inclusive of an all you can eat buffet, and all the beer and wine you can drink in the course of the game. Special prizes will be given away to spice up the morning! Reservation is encouraged. Don't miss it!

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A Night with Cougar Football will be held on February 3, 2017, from 5:30 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. This event will take place at the Red Lion Hotel, at 2525 N 20th Ave., Pasco, WA. For more details, please visit the Cougar Athletic Fund's website.

About 'A Night with Cougar Football'
A Night with Cougar Football gives everyone a chance to have a glimpse of the 2017 Cougar Football recruiting class. Hosting this event is the Voice of the Cougars, Matt Chazanow. A Night with Cougar will be directed by Bill Moos and will feature the head football coach, Mike Leach. Highlighting this event will be the video that talks about the potential of the new members of the team. Don't miss it!

A Night with the Cougar Football: A Glimpse of the Team's New Members | Pasco WA

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Kennewick High Athletic Booster Club Presents the Silent Auction FundraiserThe Kennewick High Athletic Booster Club is pleased to present the Silent Auction Fundraiser which will take place on January 21, 2017, from 5:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. This event will be held at the Kennewick High School Lions Den, at 500 S Dayton St., Kennewick, WA. For more details, please visit the Silent Auction Fundraiser page on Facebook.

About the Silent Auction Fundraiser
The Kennewick High Athletic Booster Club is calling all superheroes to support and volunteer for this Silent Auction Fundraiser event. The Kennewick High Athletic Booster Club is a non-profit organization that aims to promote and provide support to Kennewick High School's sports programs which usually lack funds. Joining this fundraiser will get more kids encouraged to engage in sports.

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