Camerata Musica Season Finale Presentation: Young Artists of Distinction in Richland WA
Posted by Colleen D. Lane on
Camerata Musica is pleased to present the Young Artists of Distinction on May 7, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. The event will be held at the Battelle Auditorium, at 902 Battelle Boulevard, Richland, WA. For more details, visit the Young Artists of Distinction page at Camerata Musica's website.
About the Young Artists of Distinction
Camerata Musica always ends the season by paying tribute to local music talents. This year, students with incredible music skills will be given prominence. Joining the Camerata Musica presentation of the Young Artists of Distinction are around 20 participants who have been chosen from the nomination submitted by teachers. These are young artists who have remarkably performed during competitions.
Admission to the Young Artists of…
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