Found 103 blog entries tagged as kids.


JANUARY 27-29, 2023
Join us for one of the northwest’s finest sportsmen shows.

Head over to the TRAC in Pasco Washington to check out the 18th Annual Sportsman Show! 

For outdoor men, women, and children from throughout the region, the HAPO Center will be filled with the latest in outdoor equipment, a trophy antler collection from the northwest, kid’s fishing pond, free air rifle range, free hourly hunting and fishing seminars, and more!

This year’s show will include many booths and exhibits in both the Expo Hall and the Arena. Exhibitors include retail merchants, factory reps, outdoor clubs and organizations, taxidermists, wildlife art, fishing boats, and fishing and hunting guides who will be available to help you plan your…

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GESA Credit Union Turkey Trot Fun Run to Benefit Benton Franklin Red Cross2022 GESA Credit Union Turkey Trot Fun Run to Benefit Benton Franklin Red Cross
This Thanksgiving, the Benton Franklin Red Cross will be holding its Turkey Trot to benefit the Benton/Franklin chapter of the American Red Cross. The Turkey Trot includes a 1-mile fun run and a 5k run, both races begin at 9:00 am at the stage area of Columbia Park in Kennewick Washington (across from the playground of dreams). 

Water stations will be set up in the 5K course at about the 1-mile and 2-mile markers; no water station for the 1 mile. The results of the Turkey Trot will not be recorded or published, but there will be a clock at the finish line for runners to check their time. 

Frequently Asked Questions: 

  • Where and when can I "Trot"? We are so excited to…

1979 Views, 0 Comments

Christ the King Sausage Fest2023 Sausage Fest at Christ the King School in Richland Washington

For decades Christ the King School has held Sausage Fest, the primary fundraising event for each school year. This annual community event hosts nearly 25,000-30,000 people a year making it the third largest event in Tri Cities Washington. Sausage Fest takes place every year during the third full weekend of September, this year it is September 15-16; the weekend begins Friday night at 5:00 pm and goes through midnight then starts back up on Saturday at 11:00 am and goes until midnight..

Admission is free and includes plenty of games for kids of all ages along with food booths featuring over 30 different foods, an indoor and outdoor Biergarten, live music, arts & crafts, Granny’s…

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kids yoga camp image11Exhale Yoga is pleased to present the Kid's Yoga Camp on July 24, 2017. The camp will be from 9:15 a.m. until 11:15 a.m., at 140 Gage Boulevard, Suite 100, Richland, WA. For more details, visit the website of 11Exhale Yoga.

Kid's Yoga Camp: Exploring and Developing Yoga Movement

The Kid's Yoga Camp is a fun adventure for the little ones. Kids will have an opportunity to explore different yoga-based movements and benefit from its relaxing effects. Apart from mindfulness and relaxation activities, the Kid's Yoga Camp will be comprised of storytelling, art, and a discussion about movement and nutrition. Participants will be engaged in topics relating to gratitude, peace, respect and healthy leaving, which the kids rarely think about when out playing…

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personal garden paintingKat Millicent Custom Art is inviting kids to join the class that will center in Personal Garden Painting. The class will be held on July 12, 2017, at 3:00 p.m. Kat Millicent Custom Art is located at 1377 George Washington Way, Richland, WA.

Personal Garden Painting Art Class for Kids

Personal Garden Painting Class is a great summer activity for kids. Admission costs $15 per person. The fee includes all the materials needed. The painting will be on an 8 x 10 canvas. Personal Garden Painting is open to kids of all ages. 

The garden makes a colorful painting subject. It's a beautiful landscape characterized by an intangible quality that the kids can further improve through colors of their own liking. Let the little ones join the Personal Garden…

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Math fun for everyoneRichland Public Library is pleased to present the Math Fun for Everyone event on July 6, 2017, from 3:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Richland Public Library is located at 955 Northgate, Richland, WA. For more details visit the website of the Richland Public Library.

Math Fun for Everyone: See the Beauty in Numbers

The Math Fun for Everyone event will be led by Sonia Moursund, along with the Hanford High Math Club. The event aims to make kids from kindergarten through 5th grade, appreciate the beauty in numbers. Math Fun for Everyone will feature fun activities that will make kids learn the concept of Mathematics in ways that are enjoyable and not complicated.

There are wrong misconceptions about Math being a boring and extremely difficult subject.…

978 Views, 0 Comments

eric hermanEric Herman & the Puppy Dogs will perform at HAPO Community Stage on June 19, 2017. The performances will run from 11:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. HAPO Community Stage is located at 815 George Washington Way, Richland, WA. For more details, visit the website of Eric Herman Music.

Eric Herman & the Puppy Dogs: Comedy, Creativity, and Cool Songs

Eric Herman is continuously gaining followers due to his cool music for children. Eric has a special talent in creating music and performing that makes his every single presentation endearing. The videos Eric created like 'The Elephant Song' already had more than 50 million views online. Eric's works have been featured on PBS Kids, Fox & Friends, The Today Show, and even in the film 'Life as We Know It.'


1018 Views, 0 Comments

music together demo classMusic Together Demo Class will be held on June 21, 2017, from 9:30 a.m. until 10:15 a.m. The event will take place at Richland Community Center, at 500 Amon Park Dr., Richland, WA. For more details, visit the Music Together Tri-Cities' website.

Music Together Demo Class: Jam with Kids

The Music Together Demo Class will feature sing and dance activities designed for the little ones. The kids will also be exposed to musical instruments such as drums. The Music Together Demo Class is a free event that will help parents and kids decide if they want to join the upcoming summer classes.

Kids need to be exposed to music at an early age. There have been studies that prove how musical experiences help accelerate brain development. Music particularly…

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fashion design imageThe Yellow Dog Integrative Arts Studio will be hosting the Fashion Design for Kids event on June 24, 2017, at 10:00 a.m. Yellow Dog Integrative Arts Studio is located at 214-B Torbett St., Richland, WA.

Fashion Design For Kids: Training the Future Designers

Fashion Design for Kids is a one-time summer opportunity the little ones should not miss. The event will be attended by Kim Forbes, all the way from Vancouver, Canada, to share her knowledge in fashion designing.

Kim Forbes is a fashion aficionado, who also teaches design to teens. Kim is a local college teacher of costume design. She will impart her colorful experience in the world of fashion designing and tell stories that will inspire the little aspirants. With Kim's charming personality,…

1005 Views, 0 Comments

Ugandan Kids Choir imageThe Ugandan Kids Choir will be in Kennewick on June 4, 2017. The choir will perform at 10:15 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., at 540 N. Colorado St., Kennewick, WA. For more details, visit the Ugandan Kids Choir page at Childcare Worldwide's website.

The Ugandan Kids Choir Performs in Kennewick

The Ugandan Kids Choir is comprised of ten sponsored children who want to spread the spirit of hope. These kids came from the poorest areas of Uganda. They may be deprived of material wealth but they are rich in talent and enthusiasm. The kids aim to share the message of God's love by means of showcasing their talent in performing traditional music and dancing.

As the Ugandan Kids Choir performs in Kennewick and in many other parts of America, the community is given an…

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