Found 16 blog entries tagged as breakfast.

Lower Columbia Basin Audubon Society Breakfast Fundraiser Pasco, WashingtonOn Saturday, January 31 the Lower Columbia Basin Audubon Society will have a breakfast fundraiser at Applebee’s Restaurant, 5305 Rd 68 in Pasco, Washington from 8:00 until 10:00 in the morning.

Details of the Breakfast Fundraiser
The Lower Columbia Basin Audubon Society will hold a pancake breakfast with proceeds from the breakfast to help the society with its educational and conservation programs throughout the year.

$10 and includes scrambled eggs, link sausages, pancakes and a beverage.

For tickets, call 509-547-9087.

For more information go to and

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Richland’s Morning with Mr. Bunny... and Pancakes, TooIt’s April, and that means one thing – it’s that time for “Morning with Mr. Bunny…and Pancakes, Too!” once again.

Morning with Mr. Bunny... and Pancakes, Too
This event is considered an annual tradition in Richland, something that the entire family joins and enjoys. The fun takes place at the Riverview Room of the Community Center and is sponsored by Richland Parks and Recreation Department.

Day’s Schedule
The event is set for Saturday, April 12, from 9:30 to 10:30AM. Join Mr. Bunny for a wonderful pancake breakfast and enjoy some fun activities. These include egg hunt, crafts, games and prizes, and a photo opportunity with Mr. Bunny especially for “Little Bunnies,” or children aged 10 and under.

For more information, you may call (509) 942-7529…

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Tri Cities Cancer Center Foundations 14th Annual Fundraising BreakfastMake a difference in your life by supporting the Tri Cities Cancer Center Foundation’s 14th Annual Fundraising Breakfast. This is happening at the Three Rivers Convention Center, Kennewick Wa on March 18 at 7:30AM.

14th Annual Fundraising Breakfast
The annual Fundraising Breakfast is held each spring to educate the community on the progress of the Cancer Center and to fund the Center’s programs, which are aimed at providing necessary support to cancer patients and their families.

Highlights of the morning will include testimonials from patients, a video presentation, reports from the CEO and Foundation Board, and of course, a delicious breakfast. The event’s generous sponsor, Mission Support Alliance (MSA), makes all these possible.

Let’s Raise…

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Red Cross Real Heroes Breakfast at TRACOrdinary people. Extraordinary courage. These are the words used by the Red Cross when determining the nominees for its annual Real Heroes Breakfast.

Real-Life Heroes
The Benton-Franklin chapter of the American Red Cross has scheduled its annual Real Heroes Breakfast on March 6, 2014 from 6:45AM to 8:30AM at TRAC, 6600 Burden Boulevard, Pasco. The event is a celebration of the power of the humanitarian spirit in the community. On that morning, local citizens who did something remarkable to help others will be honored.

Choosing a Hero
“Hero” nominations are currently being sought for the following categories: Spirit of the Red Cross, Humanitarian Hero, Animal Rescue Hero, Workplace Safety Hero, Community Organization Hero, Citizen Rescue Hero,…

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7th Annual Lourdes Legacy BreakfastLourdes Health Network formed the Lourdes Foundation in January 1993 as a channel for providing financial assistance to their various missions, which includes:

* Supporting the hospital’s Mission and the values of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet.

* Strengthening the visibility of the hospital’s Mission within the community.

* Providing financial resources to strengthen the Mission of their healthcare services.

Living with a Purpose
The Lourdes Foundation focuses on different projects each year. This year, they will be holding the 7th Annual Lourdes Legacy Breakfast. Washington Trust Bank will sponsor a complimentary breakfast, and highlights of the Foundation’s accomplishments over the past year will be shown through video…

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Bethel Church in Richland Washington will be holding a Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, March 12 at 7:30am. This is a great place for men of all ages to get together with other men from the Tri Cities Washington for a morning of good food, fellowship and a great speaker. Kenny Luck, pastor at Saddleback Church will be speaking on masculinity, “Masculinity is under fire…We can lie down, we can take it, OR we can lead an UPRISING.” You don’t want to miss out! The breakfast is free; all you need to do is register so that enough food is prepared. Click here to register for the men’s breakfast.

For more information about the event visit Bethel Church’s website or call 509.628.0150.

Posted by Joe and Colleen Lane, your Richland Real Estate Agents. Call or…

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