garden SwapAnything Grows LLC is pleased to host the Garden Swap event on September 17, 2017. The event will be from 12:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m., at Anything Grows LLC, located at 1625 Columbia Park Trl, Richland, WA. For more details, call 509-396-3029.

1st Garden Swap

Garden Swap will be the first event of its kind at the Tri-Cities. Community members are all invited to come and bring all the garden stuff they want to get rid of. These must be tools, seeds, pots, or anything related to gardening that the others can make use of. Attendees can swap or simply give away the items they no longer need. Garden Swap is a non-selling gathering so all participants are advised to abide by this rule.

Garden Swap is also a great venue to meet fellow gardeners and make…

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LIFT UP Lift Up Autism 2017 will be held on September 23, 2017, at 9:00 a.m. The event will take place at Aegis Team CrossFit at 6413 Burden Blvd., Pasco, WA. For more details, visit the website of Lift Up Autism.

Lift Up Autism 2017

Lift Up Autism 2017 is a fundraising event that will benefit Autism foundations such as the Autism Tree Project Foundation, Autism Research Institute, and the Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation. Admission to the Lift Up Autism event costs $35 each, inclusive of a training shirt.

The 2016 Lift Up Autism produced $75, 000 cash donations to autism foundations. The organizer is hoping that this figure will double with the support from the community members. Join this fun, benefit event with family and friends and help raise funds for…

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minimum wageThe Columbia Basin Badger Club is pleased to present the September Forum with the topic What Do We Know About Minimum Wage? The forum will be held on September 28, 2017, and will begin at 11:30 a.m. What Do We Know About Minimum Wage?  will take place at Shilo Inns, at 50 Comstock St., Richland, WA. For more details, get in touch with the Columbia Basin Badger Club by calling 509-628-6011.

Columbia Basin Badger Club Presents What Do We Know About Minimum Wage?

The Columbia Basin Badger Club is an organization that educates the community by means of hosting civil discourse that tackles relevant issues. For the month of September, the club will center on What Do We Know About Minimum Wage? The discussion will cover the laws on increase in minimum wage…

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surplus saleThe Surplus Sale at Mid-Columbia Libraries will be held on September 29, 2017. The event will be from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. at Mid-Columbia Libraries - Kennewick Branch, located at 1620 S Union St. For more details, call (509) 783-7878.

Surplus Sale - Treasures at Amazingly Affordable Prices

The Surplus Sale at Mid-Columbia Libraries will feature surplus office equipment, computers, furniture, and other accessories. These are items with no guarantees and warranties but were approved by the MCL Board of Trustees.

The Surplus Sale at the Library is a great place for community members to avail of huge savings. It's wise to shop for surplus as long as precaution in selecting is observed. The Surplus Sale is not only a place where affordable items…

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ridenow imageRideNow Powersports Tri-Cities is pleased to bring the 2017 Outdoor Show - Fall and Winter on September 29 and 30. The event will be from 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m., at RideNow Powersports Tri-Cities, at 3305 West 19th Avenue, Kennewick, WA. For more details, call (509) 735-1117.

2017 Outdoor Show: Fall & Winter

The 2017 Outdoor Show - Fall and Winter is an event that will surely delight the vehicle enthusiasts. RideNow Powersports Tri-Cities will present their new products which are ideal for the fall and winter seasons. Klim, 509, and other manufacturers will also be there to put on display the new items they are offering. The guests can feast their eyes on UTVs and ATVs on display. These are quality vehicles with features conducive for fall and…

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navigating autismNavigating Autism as a Family will begin on September 25, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. The event will be held at Responding to Autism Center, at 4206 W 24th Ave., Kennewick, WA. For more details, call 509-396-9230 or register at the website of Responding to Autism Center.

Navigating Autism as a Family

Navigating Autism as a Family is a 4-part series specially made for families who are affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder. The series will take place on all Mondays beginning September 25 until October 16, 2017.

Navigating Autism as a Family will be comprised of topics regarding the Autism Spectrum Disorder's core deficits, ways to improve communication within the family, discipline tools, and improving the quality of life. The event will also be comprised of…

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GESAGesa Carousel of Dreams is inviting the public to join the celebration of its 3rd Anniversary on September 23, 2017. The extraordinary fun at Gesa Carousel of Dreams on this special occasion will be from 12:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. Gesa Carousel of Dreams is located at 2901 Southridge Boulevard, Kennewick, WA. For more details, call (509) 378-3257 or email at

Gesa Carousel of Dreams 3rd Anniversary

It has been three years since Gesa Carousel of Dreams began its pursuit. Since then, Gesa Carousel of Dreams has been named as one of the most favorite destinations for both tourist and locals, and this calls for a celebration!

The anniversary celebration is going to be a lot of fun! Food trucks from Sunset at Southridge…

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bites of broadway imageThe Mid-Columbia Ballet is set to give the City of Richland, WA the Bites of Broadway on September 23, 2017. Bites of Broadway will be performed at 5:30 p.m. and again at 8:30 p.m., at The Uptown Theatre, at 1300 Jadwin Ave., Richland, WA. For more information, visit the website of the Mid-Columbia Ballet, or call 509-946-5417.

Bites of Broad at The Uptown Theatre

Bites of Broadway is going to be a treat for Broadway enthusiasts. There will be wonderful performances by the dancers of Mid-Columbia Ballet, as well as delectable snacks and refreshments which will be served in between acts. The treats are courtesy of Fat Olives Catering.

Admission to the Bites of Broadway costs $40 each. The show is for individuals 21 years old and above. It's going…

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Women's open house imageThe Salvation Army Richland Women's Ministries is pleased to bring the Women's Open House on September 21, 2017. The event will be from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at The Salvation Army Church, at 1219 Thayer Dr., Richland, WA. For more details, get in touch with The Salvation Army by calling 509-943-7977.

Women's Open House | All About the Ladies

The Salvation Army's Women's Open House event is a great venue for women to meet new acquaintances. The gathering will be all about beneficial programs that women residing in Richland, WA can take part of. Light meals will be served during the event. The Women's Open House will also feature door prizes and offer special gifts to attendees. Moms who have kids must notify the organizer for child care. Don't…

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picnic in the parkThe Richland Seniors Association is pleased to present this year's All Senior Picnic in the Park. The picnic will be held on September 21, 2017, from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. The picnic in the park will take place at Richland Community Center, at 500 Amon Park Dr., Richland, WA. For more details, get in touch with RSA by calling 509-942-7529. 

Picnic in the Park | A Chance for the Elders to Socialize

Picnic is a staple activity, especially for the elderly people.  It gives the senior citizens an opportunity to spend some time outdoors and get a healthy sun exposure. It is also the perfect venue for the elders to self-reflect, reminisce the good times, and make new memories.

The Richland Seniors Association is hosting the picnic at the park to…

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