In a time when Fall Carnivals are requiring entrance fees of $20ish, the Richland Public Library and Hapo Community Credit Union are offering a free admission Fall Carnival. 


Date: 10/28/2017 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM | Location: Hapo Community Stage, 815 George Washington Way, Richland, Washington 99352

Fall Carnival, Halloween in Richland Washington

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Tips and Tools for Smart Aging: Mid-Columbia Libraries' Kennewick Branch hosts the following workshops:

  • Nutritious Meal Cooking with the Basics for 1 or 2 People on Nov. 1
  • Medical Management and Health on Nov. 8
  • Paying for Long Term Care and Estate Planning on Nov. 15
  • Q & A Panel with All Workshop Presenters on Nov. 29

All workshops are free and begin at 5:30 pm at 1620 S. Union St. in Kennewick.

Tips & Tools for Smart Aging in Kennewick


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Friends of Mid-Columbia Libraries hosts its fall Giant Book Sale Oct. 26-29 at the Kennewick library. Friends members get early access on Thursday, Oct. 26 from 4 to 6:30 pm. The cost of a Friends membership is $5 a year, and new members can sign up at the door or online! See the full schedule at

Find great deals on gently used books, DVDs, CDs, audiobooks, and more! All funds raised provide valuable support for your local libraries. Debit and credit card payments are accepted.

Mid Columbia Libraries Book Sale, Tri Cities Washington

1611 Views, 0 Comments

  • Dayton on Tour

    Downtown Dayton|Dayton, WA|Oct. 7, 2017

    4 Historic Private Residences will be open to the public to enter and learn their history. The cost of this tour is $15. Tickets can be purchased at The Depot the day of the event. 1 - 4pm Artist Demonstrations will be held.

  • Tri-City Kart Club Race #8

    Horn Rapids Kart Track|Richland, WA|Oct. 7, 2017

    The Tri-City Kart Club welcomes you and your family to come and visit us at the Horn Rapids Kart Track located just outside Richland, WA.  We promote a family-friendly environment, fair competition, and life-long memories.

  • Wine Country RV Wine Tasting

    Wine County RV Park|Prosser, WA|Oct. 7, 2017

    Gear up for a fun evening at the Wine Country RV Park, Tasting Room…

1805 Views, 0 Comments

  • Open Mic/Band showcase hosted by Barefoot Randy

    The Emerald of Siam|Richland, WA|Oct. 2, 2017

    Full backline of gear includes drums, bass amp, guitar amp, piano and full PA.

  • MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival

    Liberty Theatre|Dayton, WA|Sep. 28, 2017 - Oct. 3, 2017

    Filmgoers in Dayton will unite with over 100,000 film-lovers around the world during the week of Sept 28 - Oct 8 when the 20th Annual MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival screens at the Liberty Theater. The ten short films represent the best short films.

  • Tri-City Americans vs Seattle Thunderbirds

    Toyota Center|Kennewick, WA|Oct. 3, 2017

    The October schedule is highlighted by the Americans longest road trip of the season which features five games. On the trip, the…

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basic compositionRichland Public Library is pleased to host the Basic Composition: The Key to Better Photos on October 4, 2017. The discussion will be from 6:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m., at Richland Public Library at 955 Northgate Dr., Richland, WA. For more details, visit the Richland Parks and Recreation website.

Basic Composition: The Key to Better Photos | A Scott Butner Photography Lecture

Basic Composition: The Key to Better Photos will be presented by Scott Butner Photography. It's a discussion about how to set the elements of a photo in a way that will improve its aesthetics.

Basic Composition: The Key to Better Photos is a known lecture that Scott Butner conducts by means of presenting photos along with a comprehensive discussion. The lecture will be…

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beautyThe Academy of Children's Theatre is pleased to present Disney's Beauty and the Beast on October 6, 7, 13, and 14, 2017, at 7:00 p.m., and on October 8 and 15 at 3:00 p.m. The production will take place at the Richland High School Auditorium, at 930 Long Ave., Richland, WA. For more details, visit the website of ACT.

Disney's Beauty and the Beast at Richland High School Auditorium

Beauty and the Beast is a classic tale that centers on Belle, a beautiful young lady, who falls in love with a beast. The Beast was previously a prince who was cursed by an enchantress because of a misdemeanor. Find out how the two will unconsciously find a way to put an end to the spell.

Admission to the ACT's production of Beauty and the Beast costs $9 each for kids…

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kid fitness classThe Richland Community Center, together with Taylor Fitness Tri-Cities, are pleased to present the Kids Fitness Class which will be held on September 30, 2017, at 10:00 a.m. The fitness activity will be held at Richland Community Center, at 500 Amon Park Dr., Richland, WA. For more details, get in touch with Taylor Fitness Tri-Cities by calling 509-438-0618 or visit the website of Richland Community Center.

Kids Fitness Class  - Let the Little Ones Get Used to Exercising

With the guidance of fitness gurus from Taylor Fitness Tri-Cities, the kids will be trained on how to execute fun and simple exercises. These are fitness activities that will improve the little ones' muscles and bones, and their overall wellbeing. This particular class is for…

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michael imageJoker's Comedy Club will be presenting the Steven Michael Quezada Comedy Show on September 29 and 30, 2017. The show will begin at 8:00 p.m., at 624 Wellsian Way, Richland, WA. For more details about tickets, visit the website of the Brown Paper Tickets.

Steven Micahel Quezada Comedy Show

Steven Michael Quezada is a pride of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Apart from performing standup comedy, Michael is also a teacher, an actor, producer, writer, and also considers himself a humanitarian.

Steven is a celebrated member of the film industry community in New Mexico. He is, in fact, a part of the Emmy Award-winning Breaking Bad series where he plays the role of a DEA Agent. Steven is undeniably an expert in performing and he will surely make a…

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vista arts center imageThe community members are invited to join the Vista Arts Center Public Open House which will be held on September 21, 2017, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The event will take place at the Mid-Columbia Library - Pasco Branch, located at 1320 W Hopkins St., Pasco, WA. For more details about the Vista Arts Center, visit the website of the Arts Center Task Force.

Vista Arts Center Public Open House at the Library

The Vista Arts Center Public Open House will give the community members a chance to have a glimpse of the conceptual plans regarding the completion of the project. The open house in Pasco, WA is the second of four events that will be conducted in the Tri-Cities to update the public about the much-awaited development of the Vista Arts Center. 

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