Found 13 blog entries tagged as Unity Yoga of Tri-Cities.

restorative yoga imageUnity Yoga of Tri-Cities is pleased to present the Restorative Yoga: Release & Restore event on July 27, 2017. The event will run from 5:30 p.m. until 6:45 p.m., at 524 Lee Boulevard, Richland, WA. For more details, visit the website of Unity Yoga of Tri-Cities.

Restorative Yoga: Gentle Movements to Unwind

Unity Yoga of Tri-Cities is known for its excellent and authentic yoga instruction. The yoga practices that Unity Yoga of Tri-Cities imparts are truly derived from the ancient and traditional sources. The methods used depict the team's experience in the field, and its fitness facility is one of the finest in the Tri-Cities.

The Restorative Yoga: Release & Restore event is the perfect venue to unwind and receive the treatment of gentle moves and…

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mothers day yogaMother's Day is happening in just a few days and for those who have not thought of a way to celebrate it just yet, Unity Yoga of Tri-Cities has something to offer.

Mother's Day Yoga at Unity Yoga of Tri-Cities

Unity Yoga of Tri-Cities will host the Mother's Day Yoga on May 14, 2017, at 9:30 a.m. Mother's Day Yoga will take place at 524 Lee Boulevard, Richland, WA. The class will cover all levels of Hatha Technique that super moms, whether a first-timer or an old-timer, will absolutely enjoy. The class will run for 75-minutes and will be led by Barefoot Randa. Mother's Day Yoga will feature stretching and downtime movement to condition the participants.

Celebrate Mother's Day with no gimmick! Just a plain 'me' time for the typically busy moms will…

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holistic back and neckHolistic Back and Neck Care will be held on April 2, 2017, from 2:00 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. The activity will take place at Unity Yoga of Tri-Cities, at 524 Lee Boulevard, Richland, WA. For more details, visit the page of Holistic Back and Neck Care page on Facebook.

About the Holistic Back and Neck Care Workshop
Holistic Back and Neck Care is a workshop that will feature pain management tips. The class will introduce the common reasons why pain in neck and back occurs. Simple exercises which can be done daily will be taught in the workshop, as well as the benefits of essential oils and herbs in soothing tired muscles. 

The workshop on Holistic Back and Neck Care will be led by Tanu Malaviya, an authorized meditation, yoga, and self-development…

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hand and foot massageThe Hand and Foot Massage Technique workshop will be held on March 26, 2017, from 2:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. The workshop will take place at Unity Yoga of Tri-Cities, at 524, Lee Boulevard, Richland, WA. For more details, visit Hand and Foot Massage Technique page on Facebook.

About 'Hand and Foot Massage Technique' Workshop
Hand and Foot Massage Technique is a part of Self-Care Sunday Mini Workshop that Unity Yoga of Tri-Cities is hosting. The workshop will introduce the best techniques in performing hand and foot massage. Application of the Ayurvedic principles of abhyanga, marma therapy, and aromatherapy will be taught to achieve ultimate relaxation. The workshop will also teach the use of therapeutic grade essential oils.

Admission to the Hand and…

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community drum circleUnity Yoga of Tri-Cities is pleased to present the Community Drum Circle on March 16, 2017. Community Drum Circle will run from 7:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m., at 524 Lee Boulevard, Richland, WA. For more details, please visit the Community Drum Circle! (Sound Meditation) page on Facebook.

About the Community Drum Circle
Unity Yoga of Tri-Cities will be hosting the Community Drum Circle every third Thursday of the month. Joseph Rastovich, the master drummer, and multi-instrumentalist will lead the sound meditation. The event is ideal for beginners since the basics will be taught and all participants will be asked to perform drumming right after the workshop.

Participants are advised to bring drums to make the most of the beat and dance activities. Any…

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healthy wristsHealthy Wrists will be held on March 11, 2017, from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. The event will take place at Unity Yoga of Tri-Cities, at 524 Lee Boulevard, Richland, WA. For more details, please visit the Healthy Wrists: Safe Yoga Practice page on Facebook.

About the Heathy Wrists
Healthy Wrists will help the participants gain an understanding of the anatomy, placement, and props needed for safe yoga practice. Unity Yoga of Tri-Cities understands that many individuals experience wrist soreness due to various repetitive activities particularly typing. Incorrect yoga poses can also cause stiffed wrist joints, muscles and tissues. Through the Healthy Wrists workshop, participants will learn the basic stretches, alternatives to yoga poses, and other…

831 Views, 0 Comments

mediation + drawing: self-care SundayThe Unity Yoga of Tri-Cities is pleased to present the Meditation + Drawing: Self-Care Sunday event on February 26, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. The Unity Yoga of Tri-Cities is located at 524 Lee Boulevard, Richland, WA. For more details, visit the Mediation + Drawing: Self-Care Sunday page on Facebook.

About 'Mediation + Drawing: Self-Care Sunday'
The Unity Yoga of Tri-Cities understands that everyone's daily life is filled with stressful elements. Stress prevents people from expressing creativity. Through meditation and relaxing activities such as drawing, a state of mind that is free from any inhibition can be achieved.

Meditation + Drawing: Self-Care Sunday will be led by the instructor Tanu Malaviya. Tanu specializes not just in meditation, but also in…

993 Views, 0 Comments

Unity Yoga of Tri-Cities Presents New Class: Afternoon Vinyasa - Start the New Year with Healthy Practices | Richland, WAThe Unity Yoga of Tri-Cities is pleased to present the New Class-Afternoon Vinyasa on January 4, 2017, from 4:00 p.m. until 5:15 p.m. This event will be held at the Unity Yoga of Tri-Cities, at 524 Lee Boulevard, Richland, WA. For more details, please visit the New Class-Afternoon Vinyasa page on Facebook.

About the New Class - Afternoon Vinyasa
The New Class-Afternoon Vinyasa will take place at the Unity Yoga of Tri-Cities every Wednesday. Individuals who want to recharge after a day's work are encouraged to join the class. Afternoon Vinyasa is perfect just before dinner. It's a 75-minute class which is ideal for beginners. The Afternoon Vinyasa features intuitive sequencing that promotes body stretch, improvement of the digestive system, and mind and…

977 Views, 0 Comments

3rd Annual New Year's Eve Intention Ceremony at Unity Yoga of Tri-Cities | Richland, WAThe New Year's Eve Intention Ceremony will be held on December 31, 2016, from 5:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. This event will take place at the Unity Yoga of Tri-Cities, at 524 Lee Boulevard, Richland, WA. For more details, please visit the NYE Intention Ceremony page on Facebook.

About the New Year's Eve Intention Ceremony
The 3rd Annual New Year's Eve Intention Ceremony will feature 40 minutes of gentle yoga, along with traditional Puja, and meditation in an intention setting. Yoga is a set of practices centered on one's physical, spiritual and mental condition which helps increase flexibility, and keeps the muscle strong and well-toned. This is the most appropriate way to take a break in this stressful season. Donation amounting to $25 per person will be…

1215 Views, 0 Comments

Unity Yoga of Tri-CIties Presents the $10 Yoga: Farmer's Market Friday | Richland, WAUnity Yoga of Tri-Cities is pleased to present the $10 Yoga: Farmer's Market Friday on August 5, 2016. This event will start at 11:00 a.m. and will be held at 524 Lee Boulevard, Richland, WA. For more details, please visit the $10 Yoga: Farmer's Market Friday page on Facebook.

About $10 Yoga: Farmer's Market Friday
The $10 Yoga: Farmer's Market Friday is a yoga class that will be headed by Barefoot Randy. He is a YogaFit Level 1 certified instructor, who is also a meditation practitioner and a musician. Randy will help the participants enjoy the calming effect of Yoga. The students will learn how to get hold of the kind of energy that is perfect to endure a busy day like the one people experience at the Farmer's Market.

Admission to this yoga class…

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