Found 7 blog entries tagged as REI.

Getting High in Argentina: Aconcagua 2016 | The Challenges of Climbing Up the Stone Sentinel at REI, KennewickREI will present "Getting High in Argentina: Aconcagua 2016" on May 11, 2016. The event will start at 7:15 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. REI is located at 129 N Ely St., Kennewick, WA. Check out REI's website for more details.

The Aconcagua Experience
REI's instructor Jim Crosslin will be in attendance to talk about his Aconcagua Experience. Jim has already stated that although there are some who think that it's easy to climb Aconcagua, there are some factors that still make this pursuit a challenging one. Jim has mentioned the difficulties involving the distance, severe weather and the high altitude in trekking up Aconcagua. But there are still a lot to hear about this mountain which is also referred to as "The Stone Sentinel." Hear Jim's tips and be inspired…

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Find Your Park: Sequoia National Park: Explore the Best Spots to Recreate In by REI KennewickREI will be hosting "Find Your Park: Sequoia National Park" on the 20th of April, 2016 which will run from 7:15 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Learn more about Find Your Park: Sequoia National Park by visiting REI's website.

Exploring the Best Spots to Recreate in Sequoia National Park
Find Your Park: Sequoia National Park by REI will let participants explore the breathtaking outdoors in their Kennewick store. The National Sequoia National Park will be explored and more spots to recreate in will be discovered. First-hand knowledge will be endowed to participants to enjoy Sequoia National Park to the fullest. The Giant Sequoias will be featured at Find Your Park: Sequoia National Park event, as well as the Mt. Whitney which is the highest summit in the United State.…

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REI Presents REI Kennewick will host the Refresh Your Run class, on April 13, 2016, Wednesday, from 7:15 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Refresh Your Run will take place at REI 129 N Ely St., Kennewick, WA. Browse through the website of REI Kennewick to learn more about Refresh Your Run and other exciting events.

A Running Refresher for the Enthusiasts 
Refresh Your Run class is not just for runners. This event is also designed for beginners and those who have not gone running for quite some time. Refresh Your Run event wil provide helpful tips and tricks regarding getting back in shape and preparing for the forthcoming 5-10K events. Joining in are Running Specialists from REI to help review and reacquaint participants on the subject of training tips, safety, secondary training…

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Winter Camping Basics in REI, KennewickREI Kennewick will conduct the Winter Camping Basics event on January 27, 2016. Winter Camping Basics will be attended by REI specialists and will run from 7:15 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. REI Kennewick is located at 129 N Ely St., Kennewick, WA. For more details about Winter Camping Basics, please visit REI's website.

Making the Most of Winter Camping
The Winter Camping Basics event caters for individuals who are interested about the tricks when camping during winter. Unlike camping in spring, summer or fall, there are certain things that one has to learn when winter camping. With the help of REI's experienced camping experts, important matters will be discussed such as what to expect on camping in a winter wonderland, how to plan for winter camping and how…

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Snowshoeing Basics | REI in Kennewick, WABe a part of REI's Snowshoeing Basics event on January 13, 2016 and learn about what you need to know about snowshoeing. Snowshoeing Basics will run from 7:15 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. at REI, 129 N Ely St., Kennewick, WA. Apart from getting acquainted with the basic of snowshoeing, appropriate selection of gear will also be taught to participants by the well-trained REI staff. For more information, visit REI's website.

It's fun to Snowshoe!
Anyone who can walk is likely to have fun snowshoeing! Snowshoeing is relatively easy but one has to know the right place to carry this out. For first-timers, it is best to look for a convenient location and in order not to get bored, there should be changing terrains to make the experience more challenging. There are…

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#OptOutside | Support REI's Campaign by Hiking Chamna on Black FridaySpend this Black Friday outside being active instead of going shopping. REI has started a campaign by announcing that they will be closing all 143 of their stores on Black Friday and will instead be paying their employees to go outside.

REI has always been dedicated to living life outdoors. They decided that Black Friday would be the perfect time to act this out. They challenged everyone to go outside with them this Black Friday.

Hikes in the Chamna Natural Reserve to Support REI

Tapteal Greenway will be offering 2 different hikes, both at 1 p.m. on Friday the 27th

  • 3 miles-A loop through the reserve
  • 6 miles-A hike following the Tapteal Trail along the Yakima River through W.E. Johnson Park and back

For more information, contact…

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Map & Compass Navigation Basics Class In Kennewick, WashingtonFor those who want to learn the basics of the navigational skills using a map or a compass, the REI Outdoor School, 1938 Sumner in Kennewick, Washington will be having Map and Compass Navigation Basics Class on Thursday, July 23 from 7:15 to 8:30 in the evening.

About the Map and Compass Navigation Basics Class
The class will teach their students the different parts of a compass and how to read a topographic map including how to use them both in tandem. Through the basics of triangulation, you will be able to pinpoint your current location and then by following a bearing you will be able to navigate to new locations. With the use of the topographic map, the in-store class will teach students how to plan routes. This is a hands-on class with some lecture…

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