Getting High in Argentina: Aconcagua 2016 | The Challenges of Climbing Up the Stone Sentinel at REI, KennewickREI will present "Getting High in Argentina: Aconcagua 2016" on May 11, 2016. The event will start at 7:15 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. REI is located at 129 N Ely St., Kennewick, WA. Check out REI's website for more details.

The Aconcagua Experience
REI's instructor Jim Crosslin will be in attendance to talk about his Aconcagua Experience. Jim has already stated that although there are some who think that it's easy to climb Aconcagua, there are some factors that still make this pursuit a challenging one. Jim has mentioned the difficulties involving the distance, severe weather and the high altitude in trekking up Aconcagua. But there are still a lot to hear about this mountain which is also referred to as "The Stone Sentinel." Hear Jim's tips and be inspired of the rewards he acquired from attempting to climb Aconcagua first hand at Getting High in Argentina: Aconcagua 2016 event.

Aconcagua is located in Mendoza Province, Argentina. It is regarded as the highest mountain that is not located in Asia. It's 6, 961 meters high and is the highest mark seen in Western and Southern Hemisphere.

Posted by Colleen D. Lane on


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