Found 11 blog entries tagged as planetarium.

fractal explorationsColumbia Basin College Planetarium Show will feature the 'Fractal Explorations' on March 31, 2017. The show will run from 7:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. and will be held at CBC Planetarium, at 2600 N. 20th Ave., Pasco, WA. For more details, visit the Fractal Explorations page at CBC's website.

About 'Fractal Explorations'
Originally produced by Dr. Robert Astalos and Zacheis Planetarium, Fractal Explorations now comes in free software available online. Fractal Explorations explains the definition and origin of fractals. The event will also explain how fractals and infinity are related.

Fractal images and sequences will be presented to further enlighten the viewers about 'Fractal Explorations'. This event is both entertaining and informative, and is…

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Planet NinePlanet Nine will be presented on March 24, 2017, from 7:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. The presentation will be held at CBC Planetarium, at 2600 N. 20th Ave., Pasco, WA. For more details, visit the Planet Nine page at CBC's website.

About the 'Planet Nine'
Planet Nine will feature the works of the New Horizons spacecraft, which provided the public the first close viewing at Pluto. This achievement has become a trending news in 2015 and made the public astonished. The explorers only had telescopes when the New Horizons took off but the adventure has been a productive one. The discoveries also brought useful information about the formation of the Solar System.

Planet Nine is recommended for middle school age audience and runs for about 30 minutes. Don't miss it!

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'My House Has Stars' Presented by the CBC Planetarium January Movies | Pasco WAThe CBC Planetarium January Movies will present 'My House Has Stars' on January 28, 2017. This event will be from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. and will be held at Bechtel National Planetarium, at 2600 N. 20th Ave., Pasco, WA. For more details, please visit the Columbia Basin College's website.

About 'My House Has Stars'
'My House Has Stars' is an adaptation of the Jenks Planetarium's presentation, which is based on the book written by Megan McDonald. The story centers on eight kids from different regions, who enjoy looking at the sky during the evening. It gives prominence to different styles of houses, and different cultures in general. It talks about the significance of the ties that bind different races together. Don't miss this meaningful event at the…

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Columbia Basin College Planetarium January Movies Presents 'Oasis in Space' | Pasco, WAThe Columbia Basin College Planetarium January Movies will present Oasis in Space on January 20, 2017. This presentation will start at 7:00 p.m. and will be held at the Bechtel National Planetarium, at 2600 N. 20th Ave., Pasco, WA. For more details, please visit the Oasis in Space page at CBC's website.

About the 'Oasis in Space'
The Oasis in Space will feature a wonderful journey through the solar system, the galaxy and universe. It will center on the search for water which is an essential for all living creatures on Earth. Oasis in Space will also explore the other planets and their moons and will tackle their traits on the subject of temperature, atmosphere and composition. Through this presentation, the audience will learn the origin of water in the…

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'Dynamic Earth' & 'Black Holes'- A Private Showing and Live Presentation of Ignite Youth Mentoring at Bechtel National Planetarium - CBC in Pasco, WAThe presentation of 'Dynamic Earth' and 'Black Holes' will be held on January 14, 2017, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. This event will take place at Bechtel National Planetarium, at 2600 N 20th Ave., Pasco, WA. For more details, please visit the CBC Planetarium Show and Live Presentation page on Facebook.

About the CBC Planetarium Show and Live Presentation of 'Dynamic Earth' and 'Black Holes'
Ignite Youth Mentoring is pleased to present the 'Dynamic Earth' and 'Black Holes' at the planetarium. This presentation offers high-definition images and sounds made possible by modern devices. It features a 36-foot panoramic screen that provides quality 3D viewing experience to the audience. Don't miss this spectacular presentation of 'Dynamic Earth' and 'Black…

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Columbia Basin College Planetarium September Movies Presents 'Stars of the Pharaohs' | Pasco, WAThe CBC Planetarium September Movies will present the Stars of the Pharaohs on September 30, 2016, from 7:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. This will be held at Bechtel National Planetarium at 2600 N. 20th Ave.,Pasco, WA. For more details, please visit the Planetariums Show Schedule page at CBC's website.

About the 'Stars of the Pharaohs' at CBC Planetarium
Stars of the Pharaohs lets the viewers experience the ancient Egypt. They will learn how its people were able to determine time by simply looking at the skies. Find out the unique ways they made use to of to create calendars and big monuments. Learn how these ancient Egyptians made connections with the stars and many other astronomical phenomena. Participants also get to have a glimpse of temples and tombs…

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CBC Planetarium June Movies Presents Supervolcanoes - A Disaster Film Best Watched with the Family in Pasco, WAThe Columbia Basin College is pleased to present its June Movies with Supervolcanoes on June 18, 2016, from 2:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. The film viewing will be held at The Planetarium, 2600 N. 20th Avenue, Pasco, WA. For more details, please visit the CBC Planetarium June Movies Supervolcanoes page.

About Supervolcanoes
Supervolcanoes is a catastrophic movie released in 2005.This film was written by Julian Simpson and Edward Canfor-Dumas. The story will go around a global disaster that will surely cause goose bumps to the audience.There are scenes that will demonstrate how the giant volcanic eruptions shake the earth. The lead casts of Supervolcanoes are Michael Riley, Gary Lewis, Shaun Johnston and Adrian Holmes. Tony Mitchell directed this film.


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Kaluoka'hina: The Enchanted Reef At The Planetarium CBC Pasco, WashingtonOn Saturday, August 15 everyone is invited to the public planetarium show, Kaluoka'hina: The Enchanted Reef at Columbia Basin College -Bechtel National Planetarium in Pasco, Washington from 2:00 to 3:00 in the afternoon.

Kaluoka'hina: The Enchanted Reef 
The enormity of our planet's oceans guards inconceivable secrets. One of its most valuable is Kaluoka'hina, the enchanted reef whose magic protects it against humans finding it. This is the reason why the inhabitants of Kaluoka'hina's have always lived in peace... until the volcano erupts, and the spell is broken.

Now it's up to the young sawfish Jake and his paranoid pal Shorty to restore the magic of Kaluoka'hina. Their only lead: the ancient legend that tells of touching the moon. But how is a…

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Dynamic Earth At CBC – Bechtel National Planetarium Pasco, WashingtonOn Friday, November 28 the Columbia Basin College – Bechtel National Planetarium in 2600 N. 20th Avenue Pasco, Washington will be having an event open to everyone.

About Dynamic Earth Event
Dynamic Earth explores the inner workings of Earth's climate system. With visualizations based on satellite monitoring data and advanced supercomputer simulations, this cutting-edge production follows a trail of energy that flows from the Sun into the interlocking systems that shape our climate.

About the Bechtel National Planetarium
Located at CBC, the planetarium provides life-like, high-definition images and sound using the most state-of-the-art projection system in the Pacific Northwest. The 36-foot panoramic viewing dome can simulate a 3-D effect (without…

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Public Planetarium Shows at Bechtel Planetarium in PascoDon’t miss the public planetarium shows happening at Columbia Basin College’s Bechtel National Planetarium on four separate dates this April.

Thanks to Community Enrichment Foundation Theater
Everyone, young and old, is encouraged to drop by the Bechtel Planetarium for the ultimate planetarium experience. Thanks to the efforts of the Community Enrichment Foundation Theater, you can expect life-like, high-definition images and sound from the most advanced digital planetarium projection system.

Marvel at the wonders of science, technology, and the universe through these public planetarium shows scheduled for two Fridays and two Saturdays this April.

Save the Date
There will be public shows on April 18 and 25 (Friday) from 7 to 8PM and April 19 and…

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