'My House Has Stars' Presented by the CBC Planetarium January Movies | Pasco WAThe CBC Planetarium January Movies will present 'My House Has Stars' on January 28, 2017. This event will be from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. and will be held at Bechtel National Planetarium, at 2600 N. 20th Ave., Pasco, WA. For more details, please visit the Columbia Basin College's website.

About 'My House Has Stars'
'My House Has Stars' is an adaptation of the Jenks Planetarium's presentation, which is based on the book written by Megan McDonald. The story centers on eight kids from different regions, who enjoy looking at the sky during the evening. It gives prominence to different styles of houses, and different cultures in general. It talks about the significance of the ties that bind different races together. Don't miss this meaningful event at the CBC Planetarium.

Posted by Colleen D. Lane on


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