Found 86 blog entries tagged as Pasco WA.

Tri-City Dust Devils Chamber Night: Dust Devils Baseball Will Blow You Away!| Pasco, WA Chamber of CommerceThe Pasco Chamber of Commerce is inviting everyone to be a part of the Tri-City Dust Devils Chamber Night which is set on June 22, 2016, at 7:15 p.m. This event will be held at Gesa Stadium, 6200 Burden Boulevard, Pasco, WA. For more details, please visit the Tri-City Dust Devils Chamber Night page on Facebook.

About the Tri-City Dust Devils Chamber Night
The Pasco Chamber of Commerce is glad to present the Tri-City Dust Devils Chamber Night, which comes with All-You-Can-Eat BBQ an hour before the game. Admission to this event costs $16 per individual. The opponent for this particular game is the Spokane Indians.

The Tri-City Dust Devils plays a significant role in the community since it provides a source of fun and entertainment that every family in…

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Tri-Cities Geocoin Challenge 2016 at the Sacajawea State Park: Mysteries of the Mid-Columbia MEGA Event in Pasco, WA Join the Tri-Cities Geocoin Challenge which will be held on June 24 to 26, 2016 at Sacajawea State Park. The event will start at 6:00 p.m. until 12:00 p.m. The Sacajawea State Park is located at 2503 Sacajawea Park Rd., Pasco, WA. For more details, visit the Tri-Cities Geocoin's website.

About theTri-Cities Geocoin Challenge 2016
The Tri-Cities Geocoin Challange will feature four new locations which the geocachers will explore to find new geocaches. Upon discovering the necessary geocaches, geocachers get to complete their passport, which is their ticket to acquiring the 2016 geocoin set. Even kids, 12 years old and below, who are able to finish the challenge, will receive a special prize.

The Tri-Cities Geocoin Challenge event is a great weekend…

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Fairchild Cinemas Free Summer Movies by GESA Credit Union featuring 'Penguins of Madagascar' & 'Night at the Museum 3': Enjoy Great Films Without Charge in Pasco, WATake advantage of the Fairchild Cinemas Free Summer Movies by the GESA Credit Union, which is set on June 21 to 23, 2016, at 9:00 a.m. The Fairchild Cinemas is located at 5020 Convention Drive, Pasco, WA. For more details, check out the Fairchild Cinemas Free Summer Movies page.

About the Free Summer Movies
Fairchild Cinemas Free Summer Movies allows guests to watch great films at no cost. This will take place on all Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays beginning June 21 until August 18.

On June 21 to 23, the films that will be featured are Penguins of Madagascar and Night At the Museum 3. Guests are advised that the lineup of movies to be featured are subject to change without notice. Bringing of food and drinks inside the cinema will not be allowed.…

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CBC Planetarium June Movies Presents Supervolcanoes - A Disaster Film Best Watched with the Family in Pasco, WAThe Columbia Basin College is pleased to present its June Movies with Supervolcanoes on June 18, 2016, from 2:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. The film viewing will be held at The Planetarium, 2600 N. 20th Avenue, Pasco, WA. For more details, please visit the CBC Planetarium June Movies Supervolcanoes page.

About Supervolcanoes
Supervolcanoes is a catastrophic movie released in 2005.This film was written by Julian Simpson and Edward Canfor-Dumas. The story will go around a global disaster that will surely cause goose bumps to the audience.There are scenes that will demonstrate how the giant volcanic eruptions shake the earth. The lead casts of Supervolcanoes are Michael Riley, Gary Lewis, Shaun Johnston and Adrian Holmes. Tony Mitchell directed this film.


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Three Rivers Saxtette Performs at Pasco, WA Farmers Market: Fill the Air with Smooth JazzThe Pasco Farmers Market is pleased to present the Three Rivers Saxtette on June 18, 2016, beginning 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. Pasco Farmers Market is located at 4th Avenue, Pasco, WA. For more details, please visit the Three Rivers Saxtette at Pasco Farmers Market page on Facebook.

About the Three Rivers Saxtette at Pasco Farmers Market
To make the ambiance of Pasco Farmers Market even more inviting, the Three Rivers Saxtette will exhibit their one of a kind Jazz tune. The Three Rivers Saxtette band is comprised of two sections: the Saxophone Quartet, which is comprised of Dave Clark, Bill Murray, Wayne Land and Doug Edwards, and the Rhythm Section which is made up of Kelin Kreider and Jerry Larson. The band is an expert when it comes to classical…

956 Views, 0 Comments

Mid-Columbia Libraries' Post-It Art Challenge: Bringing Forth a Great Work of Art from a Unique Material | Pasco, WA BranchThe Mid-Columbia Libraries is inviting teens to join the Post-It Art Challenge, which is set on the 22nd of June, 2016. This fun art event will run from 2:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. and will be held at the Pasco branch located at 1320 W. Hopkins. Pasco, WA. For more details, visit the Mid-Columbia-Libraries' Post-it Art Challenge page.

About Post-It Art Challenge
The Post-It Art Challenge, which is designed for teen participants, is another Mid-Columbia Libraries program that aims to unleash the young ones' talent in creating a work of art out of extraordinary materials. For this particular undertaking, post-it notes will be used.

Post-it' notes' uses are not limited to bookmarking and keeping notes. These multi-faceted, colorful pieces of paper can be…

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5th Annual Royal Family Kids Day at Roasters Coffee: Make a Difference with a Cup of Coffee | Kennewick, Pasco & Richland, WA BranchesBe a part of the Royal Family Kids Camp Day at Roasters Coffee event on June 14, 2016. This benefit event will start at 5:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. and will be held at all Tri-Cities Roasters Coffee Branches. For more details, visit the Royal Family Kids Day page on Facebook.

About the 5th Annual Royal Family Kids Camp Day
The Royal Family Kids Camp is an organization that lets abused and neglected children to enjoy a week of child-friendly environment where they are protected and allowed to make the most of their childhood.

The 5th Annual Royal Family Kids Camp Day is a special benefit event that anyone can take part in by simply buying a drink at any Tri-Cities Roasters Coffee. For every drink purchased from this establishment on the day of the…

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Choir and Orchestra Concert: Music That Depicts World-Class Talent at Columbia Basin College | Pasco, WAThe Choir and Orchestra Concert is set on June 14, 2016, at Columbia Basin College Theatre, 2600 N 20th Ave., Pasco, WA. The concert will start at 7:00 p.m. The Choir and Orchestra Concert is a free event. Kindly visit Columbia Basin College's website for more details.

About the Choir and Orchestra Concert
The Columbia Basin College, through the Choir and Orchestra Concert, is presenting its Spring Quarter Concert. This presentation is one of the three musical productions that CBC hosts in one year. For this particular event, Dave Cazier will be the one who will be handling the CBC Concert and Chamber Choir, while Bruce Walker will take care of the CBC Orchestra. The Choir and Orchestra Concert is going to be another spectacular CBC presentation that no…

1162 Views, 0 Comments

European Invasion at Brews Taphouse and Growler Fills: Experience the Best Belgian Beers in Pasco, WAThere will be a European Invasion at Brews Taphouse and Growler Fills from June 17 to 19, 2016. All beer fanatics are invited to come to the Brews at 5426 Road 68, Pasco, WA. Check out the Brews Taphouse's website for more details.

About the European Invasion
The European Invasion is absolutely the kind of event that beer aficionados should not miss. There will be about 25 European Beers participating in this event. Most of these are premium beers from Europe with a number of Belgian variants. These breweries have spent several years to ensure that the beer they produce would turn out world-class. Fresh Out the Box and Kindras Wok 'N Roll will be at the venue to make food available for the attendees. To name a few of breweries that will participate in…

897 Views, 0 Comments

Pasco Chamber of Commerce's 5th Annual Sagebrush Scramble Golf Tournament in Pasco, WA The Pasco Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that it will host its 5th Annual Sagebrush Scramble Golf Tournament this coming June 17, 2016. The event will begin at 1:00 p.m. and will be held at the Sun Willows Gold Course at 2535 N. 20th Avenue, Pasco, WA. Please check out the Pasco Chamber of Commerce's website for more information

About the 5th Annual Sagebrush Golf Tournament
In 2015, 30 teams joined the Sagebrush Scramble Golf Tournament. This year, the Pasco Chamber of Commerce is hoping that more members will be in attendance at Sun Willows Golf Course to support the Sagebrush Scramble. The 2016 Committee for Sagebrush Scramble is comprised of Carlos Martinez of Dura-Shine Clean, Derek Brownson of Community First Bank, and Niles Gale of…

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