Found 11 blog entries tagged as Pasco Chamber of Commerce.

crawdad feedPasco Chamber of Commerce and Port of Pasco are pleased to present the Crawdad Feed on August 10. The fun will begin at 4:00 p.m. all the way until 8:00 p.m. Crawdad Feed will be held at 1110 Osprey Point Boulevard, Pasco, WA. For more details, visit the website of Pasco Chamber of Commerce or call 509-547-9755 .

Crawdad Feed | Fun Along the River Banks

Crawdad Feed is family-friendly event where kids can have fun and parents can unwind while indulging in the beauty of the Columbia River. The afternoon will be filled with live music and a chance to meet new acquaintances or bond with the family . The event features a beer and wine garden for the adult guests.

Admission to Crawdad Feed costs $20 per person. Kids 14 years old and below can join the…

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Rodeo AuctionPasco Chamber of Commerce is pleased to present the Ropin' and Ridin' Rodeo Auction on March 31, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. The auction will be held at Red Lion Pasco, at 2525 N. 20th Ave., Pasco, WA. For more details, visit the Ropin' & Ridin' Rodeo Auction page at Pasco Chamber's website.

About Ropin' and Ridin' Rodeo Auction
Ropin' and Ridin' Rodeo Auction is an annual event that Pasco Chamber of Commerce is hosting to raise funds to be used for relevant programs it offers. The Knutzen Brothers will provide entertainment as the guests get busy with auctions and Mechanical Bull rides.

Admission to the Ropin' and Ridin' Rodeo Auction costs $39 each or $199 for a table of 6. Don't miss it!

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Eastern Washington Ag Expo Featuring More Than 100 Exhibitors Highlighting Every Aspect of the Industry | Pasco WA The Eastern Washington Ag Expo will be held from January 3 to 4, 2017. This will be held at the TRAC CENTER, at 6600 Burden Boulevard, Pasco, WA. For more details, please visit the Eastern Washington Ag Expo's website.

About the Eastern Washington Ag Expo
The Pasco Chamber of Commerce is pleased to present the Eastern Washington Ag Expo, which will be attended by more than 100 exhibitors. This event will highlight all aspects of the Ag Industry, including the 5th Installment of Baker Boyer series 'Family Legacies Grown Locally ' and the 7th Annual Lyle Holt Scholarship Competition. There will also be some demonstrations on hands-on livestock handling to be held at the Arena Hall, as well as the Rascal Rodeo. Don't miss it!

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Building Bridges Networking Event: Connecting Businesses and the Community | Pasco Chamber of Commerce, Washington Be a part of the Building Bridges Networking Event which will take place on October 18, 2016, from 5:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. This event will be held at the Moore Mansion, at 200 N Road 34, Pasco, WA. For more details, please visit the Building Bridges Networking Event page on Facebook.

About the Building Bridges Networking Event
Building Bridges Networking Event offers an opportunity to make connections in the community. Hors d'oeuvre and beverages will be served to the guests and everyone gets to enjoy the breathtaking view at the Moore Mansion.

Pasco Chamber of Commerce encourages businesses and the community to work as one team for the purpose of achieving economic stability and improving every family's way of life. Invite friends to join the…

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Tri-City Dust Devils Chamber Night: Dust Devils Baseball Will Blow You Away!| Pasco, WA Chamber of CommerceThe Pasco Chamber of Commerce is inviting everyone to be a part of the Tri-City Dust Devils Chamber Night which is set on June 22, 2016, at 7:15 p.m. This event will be held at Gesa Stadium, 6200 Burden Boulevard, Pasco, WA. For more details, please visit the Tri-City Dust Devils Chamber Night page on Facebook.

About the Tri-City Dust Devils Chamber Night
The Pasco Chamber of Commerce is glad to present the Tri-City Dust Devils Chamber Night, which comes with All-You-Can-Eat BBQ an hour before the game. Admission to this event costs $16 per individual. The opponent for this particular game is the Spokane Indians.

The Tri-City Dust Devils plays a significant role in the community since it provides a source of fun and entertainment that every family in…

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Pasco Chamber of Commerce's 5th Annual Sagebrush Scramble Golf Tournament in Pasco, WA The Pasco Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that it will host its 5th Annual Sagebrush Scramble Golf Tournament this coming June 17, 2016. The event will begin at 1:00 p.m. and will be held at the Sun Willows Gold Course at 2535 N. 20th Avenue, Pasco, WA. Please check out the Pasco Chamber of Commerce's website for more information

About the 5th Annual Sagebrush Golf Tournament
In 2015, 30 teams joined the Sagebrush Scramble Golf Tournament. This year, the Pasco Chamber of Commerce is hoping that more members will be in attendance at Sun Willows Golf Course to support the Sagebrush Scramble. The 2016 Committee for Sagebrush Scramble is comprised of Carlos Martinez of Dura-Shine Clean, Derek Brownson of Community First Bank, and Niles Gale of…

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Gesa Credit Union's Small Business Success Series | Pasco Chamber of CommerceThe Pasco Chamber of Commerce is glad to present Gesa Credit Union's Small Business Success Series on February 19, 2016. Small Business Success Series will be held at the Holiday Inn Express, 4525 Convention Place, Pasco, WA. Please visit Pasco Chamber of Commerce's website for more details.

Small Business Success Series Benefiting Small Business Owners
Small Business Success Series is a free event that takes place quarterly. Small Business Series rotates to its member facilities and is usually held in prestigious venues such as Holiday Inn Express Country Gentleman, Stone Ridge Event Center and Inspire Event Center. Different topics will be featured and guests will be given an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback to the city officials of…

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2016 Mid-Columbia Ag Hall of Fame | Port of Pasco & Pasco Chamber of CommerceOn January 21, 2016, the Pasco Chamber of Commerce and Port of Pasco will host the 2016 Mid-Columbia Ag Hall of Fame. The recognition will be held at Pasco Red Lion located at 2525 N. 20th Ave., Pasco, WA and will start at 5:30 p.m. For more information, visit Pasco Chamber of Commerce's website.

Honor and Recognition for Significant Contributions in Agriculture
In 2000, the Mid-Columbia Agriculture Hall of Fame was formed. The purpose of the event is to give recognition and honor to individuals who have made outstanding contributions in the field of agriculture. The Mid-Columbia Agriculture Hall of Fame is intended for the members of Greater Franklin County region's agricultural community, as well as those in the surrounding areas in the same industry.…

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Pasco Chamber of Commerce Monthly General Membership Luncheon | Red Lion PascoGeneral Membership Luncheon in December
Be a part of Pasco Chamber of Commerce's Monthly General Membership Luncheon and be aware of the latest happenings in Tri Cities! For this month, the General Membership Luncheon will be held on December 14, 2015 at Red Lion Pasco. The discussion and other activities will run from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. To know more about the details of the Monthly General Membership Luncheon, visit the website of Pasco Chamber of Commerce.

Getting to Know Pasco Chamber of Commerce
the Pasco Chamber of Commerce is a civic and social organization of which objective is to unite the business owners, as well as the other members of the community, in order to come up with a more economically secured society making headway to an improved…

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The Monthly General Membership Luncheon Red Lion Pasco, WashingtonThe Pasco Chamber of Commerce will be at the Red Lion Pasco, 1925 North 20th Avenue in Pasco, Washington for the Monthly General Membership Luncheon on Monday, August 10 from 11:45 in the morning to 1:00 in the afternoon.

Monthly General Membership Luncheon
Every second Monday of the month, join the Pasco Chamber of Commerce for the Monthly General Membership Luncheon, to discuss local topics and catch up on what’s going on in the wonderful Tri-Cities. Be sure to be there to hear also the important update presented by Tim Nies of the Franklin PUD. This month’s sponsor for the Monthly General Membership Luncheon is the Health Network.

$20 will be charged at the door for members and $25 for non-members. For more details click here.

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