Found 17 blog entries tagged as homes.

Homes For Sale In Prosser WashingtonBountiful Harvest
Prosser also known as the Birthplace of the Washington Wine Industry has rising number of local wineries. Situated at the far western corner of Benton County about 50 miles from Yakima and 35 miles from the Tri-Cities, you can find the county seat here.

Prosser’s agricultural industry has a huge impact on its economy. Concord and wine grapes, apples, cherries, hops, asparagus, corn, and wheat are abundant in Prosser.[continue reading]

Prosser Washington Homes For Sale Updated Hourly

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Scenic Prosser
The town is bordered on the north by the Rattlesnake Hills and the Horse Heaven Hills on the south while Yakima River runs through it. Every year, Prosser has an estimated 300 sunny days making it ideal for a lot of…

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Houses for sale in Burbank WashingtonSomewhere Nice To Live
Burbank is where the Columbia River meets the Snake River. The place is situated in the Walla Walla County of Washington, north of the city Kennewick and to the east of the city Pasco. Burbank is smaller than Pasco and Kennewick, but it still considered to be a metropolitan area. The three: Pasco, Burbank and Kennewick make up the Tri-cities.

Climate in Burbank
The area has a semi-arid climate which means it’s a transition climate between dry and wetter places. They have two seasons: summer and winter. Typically the winter here produces more rain.[continue reading]

Burbank Washington Houses For Sale Updated Hourly

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Places to visit in Burbank Washington
Charbonneau Park
located in Eastern Washington is located…

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Houses for sale in Benton City WashingtonFacts About Benton City
Benton City is a small town located near the center of Benton County and is situated on the inside of a bend on the north side of the Yakima River. Kiona which is an unincorporated community is along the southern border of the city. And while it is in the “desert” area , Benton City is in a fertile, green bend of the river. In fact, the city’s climate has long Indian summers and moderate winters, with an average of 300 days of sunshine a year.

There are a number of privately-owned large and small irrigated orchards, vineyards, hayfields, pastures, and acreages in and around Benton City. Due to its appearance, it is somewhat of a “little Tuscany”.[continue reading]

Benton City Washington Houses For Sale Updated Hourly


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New homes for sale Tri Cities WashingtonTri Cities Washington
Located southeastern part of the U.S. state of Washington, consisting of three neighboring cities: Kennewick, Pasco, and Richland, the Tri Cities id a mid-sized metropolitan area. Named after the three cities it is situated at the junction of the Yakima, Snake, and Columbia rivers in the semi-arid region of Southeastern Washington.However, a fourth neighboring city, West Richland, is generally included as part of the Tri-City area and region, as are a several unincorporated communities.

About Tri Cities
In 2010, Kiplinger, a Washington, D.C. based publisher of business forecasts and personal finance advice, available in print, online, audio, video and software products included the Tri-Cities among the Top 10 best places to raise…

16988 Views, 0 Comments

Homes For Sale In Finley WashingtonSmall But Safe
Finley is situated to the southeast of Kennewick. The area of place is pretty small and this feature is possibly the city’s greatest asset, providing a serene and peaceful haven in southeastern Washington that growing number people are discovering with time. Another good thing about about the place is that larger cities like Kennewick are just a short drive away. You don't really have to go far.

In addtion to that, Finley has a low crime rate, something that any home buyers are looking for. The community here is positively close knit while the over-all state of the city is simply amazing with its fresh air and beautiful landscape.[continue reading]

Finley Washington Homes For Sale Updated Hourly

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A Little About Finley

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Homes For Sale Kennewick WashingtonWhich home is right for you?
Finding the perfect home may be time consuming but it is the key to making sure that you and your loved ones only get the best. You may already have a picture in your mind of what your dream home looks like; however, there are a lot of things that you must consider in choosing.

One of the most important things is asking yourself a series of questions that can help you decide. You will be surprised as the answers will provide you guidance and direction for finding the home you not only need but is suitable for your lifestyle. [continue reading]

Homes for Sale in Kennewick, Update Hourly 

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Some of the questions you can ask yourself before choosing a home in Kennewick :
1. Ask the lifestyle question like, Are…

6436 Views, 0 Comments

Homes For Sale In Richland WashingtonTips for first-time home buyers
Site selection is a very important part in choosing a home to buy. The pros must always outweigh the cons. Find a place that is favorable not just to you but for everyone who will be living with you. And while every home buyers has his or her own ideas about the type, style and size of the home they want it is recommended that you make a little investigation about the neighborhood.

After all, you will be living there with your family so why not check on it before you sign anything or decide to make a purchase.[continue reading]

Homes for Sale in Richland, Updated Hourly

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Buying Smart in Richland Washington
The best course of action that you should take before deciding to buy a home is to try to find the…

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