Found 4 blog entries tagged as Gesa Credit Union.

GESA Credit Union Turkey Trot Fun Run to Benefit Benton Franklin Red Cross2022 GESA Credit Union Turkey Trot Fun Run to Benefit Benton Franklin Red Cross
This Thanksgiving, the Benton Franklin Red Cross will be holding its Turkey Trot to benefit the Benton/Franklin chapter of the American Red Cross. The Turkey Trot includes a 1-mile fun run and a 5k run, both races begin at 9:00 am at the stage area of Columbia Park in Kennewick Washington (across from the playground of dreams). 

Water stations will be set up in the 5K course at about the 1-mile and 2-mile markers; no water station for the 1 mile. The results of the Turkey Trot will not be recorded or published, but there will be a clock at the finish line for runners to check their time. 

Frequently Asked Questions: 

  • Where and when can I "Trot"? We are so excited to…

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Power of the Purse: Investing in Your Future - A Guide to Reaching Financial Stability | Gesa Credit Union in Richland, WA The Power of the Purse will be held on December 13, 2016, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p..m. This event will take place at the Tagaris Winery, at 844 Tulip Lane, Richland, WA. For more details, please visit the Power of the Purse: Investing in Your Future page on Facebook.

About 'Power of the Purse'
The Power of the Purse encourages everyone to focus on planning for financial stability. This event will explain the tools that are imperative in coming up with an effective financial plan. The Power of the Purse event will give prominence to the needs of women, particularly moms, to prepare for their financial future. This event will feature retirement planning, investing for the future, and setting financial goals. Refreshments for the attendees will be…

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Fairchild Cinemas Free Summer Movies by GESA Credit Union featuring 'Penguins of Madagascar' & 'Night at the Museum 3': Enjoy Great Films Without Charge in Pasco, WATake advantage of the Fairchild Cinemas Free Summer Movies by the GESA Credit Union, which is set on June 21 to 23, 2016, at 9:00 a.m. The Fairchild Cinemas is located at 5020 Convention Drive, Pasco, WA. For more details, check out the Fairchild Cinemas Free Summer Movies page.

About the Free Summer Movies
Fairchild Cinemas Free Summer Movies allows guests to watch great films at no cost. This will take place on all Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays beginning June 21 until August 18.

On June 21 to 23, the films that will be featured are Penguins of Madagascar and Night At the Museum 3. Guests are advised that the lineup of movies to be featured are subject to change without notice. Bringing of food and drinks inside the cinema will not be allowed.…

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Gesa Credit Union's Small Business Success Series | Pasco Chamber of CommerceThe Pasco Chamber of Commerce is glad to present Gesa Credit Union's Small Business Success Series on February 19, 2016. Small Business Success Series will be held at the Holiday Inn Express, 4525 Convention Place, Pasco, WA. Please visit Pasco Chamber of Commerce's website for more details.

Small Business Success Series Benefiting Small Business Owners
Small Business Success Series is a free event that takes place quarterly. Small Business Series rotates to its member facilities and is usually held in prestigious venues such as Holiday Inn Express Country Gentleman, Stone Ridge Event Center and Inspire Event Center. Different topics will be featured and guests will be given an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback to the city officials of…

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