Found 5 blog entries tagged as Environment.

bike rideThe Wheelhouse Community Bike Shop and the Tri-Cities Citizens' Climate Lobby will host the Bike Ride for Climate event on September 16, 2017. The event will begin at 9:00 a.m., at 710 George Washington Way, Richland, WA. For more details, get in touch with the Wheelhouse Community Bike Shop by calling (509) 820-3047.

Bike Ride for Climate | Make Earth Cool Again

Bike Ride for Climate is an event that will benefit the Citizens Climate Education. Registration fee costs $20 each. Participants get to choose between the 14-mile or 23-mile course. Non-bikers can still show support by simply attending the event.

Bike Ride for Climate is a chance for the community members to express their concern about the alarming changes in climate. The event provides…

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climate change imageColumbia Basin Badger Club is pleased to present an event that will focus on Climate Change and Carbon Tax on July 27, 2017. The discussion will be from 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m., at Shilo Inns, at 50 Comstock St., Richland, WA.

Climate Change and Carbon Tax: A Discussion Relevant to the Community

The discussion on Climate Change and Carbon Tax will be attended by speakers who will represent the different sectors of the local business. There will also be speakers who are supporters of the state carbon tax and advocates of public policy.

The community members are encouraged to join the discussion to know the implication of the rejected carbon tax proposal. Carbon taxes are said to be advantageous for some businesses as they can use…

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Coyote Canyon Mammoth Site Tour: The Progress in Paleoenvironment Research | KennewickThe McBones Research Center Foundation is pleased to present the Coyote Canyon Mammoth Site Tour this coming September 17, 2016, from 9:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. This tour will be held at the Mammoth Dig Site, S, Clodfelter Road, Kennewick, WA. For more details, please visit the Coyote Canyon Mammoth Site website.

About the Coyote Canyon Mammoth Site Tour
The Coyote Canyon Mammoth Site is open to the general public. There is no admission fee required but everyone is encouraged to donate.

McBones Research Center Foundation was put up to develop a local and regional center where paleoenvironmental research will be conducted. It aims to serve as a venue for laboratory activities where K-12 students and the rest of the community can learn about…

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Carbon Nation – A Documentary Film about Climate ChangeClimate change is defined as “the change in global climate patterns apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards, attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels.”

Effects of Climate Change
This change has led to the emergence of large-scale environmental hazards that affect human health. Extreme weather conditions (think Hurricanes Sandy, Katrina, and Typhoon Haiyan), the continuous weakening or depletion of the ozone layer, the loss of biodiversity, stresses to food-producing systems, and even the spread of infectious diseases all over the world are all effects of climate change.

Climate change is such a wide scale problem. Even if there are people who doubt the severity of the…

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McNary Wildlife RefugeThe Winter Birds Event at McNary's Wildlife Refuge will be a lot of fun and very relaxing. We've enjoyed some family time at the refuge and appreciate the serenity the center offers. When the cold weather becomes to unbearable, then the warmth and hot drinks on the inside awaits you.

The Winter Birds event is at the McNary Environmental Education Center on Saturday, February 8 between 9am & 12noon. From McNary's flyer:

Discover McNary’s abundance of ducks, swans, geese and other birds of the Mid-Columbia. Blue Mountain Wildlife of Pendleton will be at McNary with live raptors. Videographer Gaylord Mink will show his wonderful wildlife films. There will be hands-on activities and nature hikes. Afterward, join the Friends of the Mid-Columbia River…

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