Found 10 blog entries tagged as church.

Church of God of Prophecy Presents the 77th Annual Washington State Convention: Pray and Obey | KennewickThe Church of God of Prophecy is pleased to present the 77th Annual Washington State Convention which is set for August 19 to 21, 2016. This event will be held at the Three Rivers Convention Center, 7016 W Grandridge Blvd., Kennewick. For more details, you may visit the Washington State Convention page at Three Rivers Convention Center's website.

About the 77th Annual Washington State Convention
The 77th Annual Washington State Convention will present Bishop Tim Coalter as the special guest speaker. He is the General Presbyter of North America Ministries who finished Associates in Business Administration from Tomlinson College and his Masters of Arts Degree in Church Ministries specializing in Ministry Leadership from Pentecostal Theological Seminary.

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Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities Presents All City Worship Night: Glorifying the Lord with Prayers and Worship | KennewickThe Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities is pleased to present the All City Worship Night on August 19, 2016. The event will run from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. and will be held at Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities located at 10611 W Clearwater Ave. Kennewick, WA. For more details, please visit the All City Worship Night page on Facebook.

About the All City Worship Night
The All City Worship Night will feature prayers and worship to unite the community as everyone tries to ward off the darkness. Let the light reign in everybody's life by glorifying the Lord and making an impact in the whole of Tri-Cities.

The Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities aims to help everyone know God better. Calvary Chapel does it by sharing the words of God and providing opportunities en route to…

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Kickball Sunday at The Vine Church: Inflatable Obstacle Course, Water Activites and More! | KennewickThe Kickball Sunday at The Vine Church will take place on August 14, at 10:00 a.m. The Vine Church is located at 711 N Center Pkwy, Kennewick, WA. For more details, please visit the Kickball Sunday page on Facebook.

About the Kickball Sunday
The Kickball Sunday is a great family event that is comprised of activities all free to the community. Apart from kickball, this event will also feature an inflatable obstacle course in the park, located just outside the Sunset View Elementary. There will also be lawn games and Snowcones which everybody can delight in without charge. To add more spice to the gathering, some water activities have been prepared so the guests are advised to bring a towel.

Individuals who simply want to relax and enjoy the view of…

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C3 at CBRC (Columbia Community Center at Columbia Basin Racquet Club): A Fun Free Festivity for the Family | Richland, WAC3 at CBRC will be held on August 7, 2016, at Columbia Basin Racquet Club, 1776 Terminal Dr, Richland, WA. The fun begins at 7:00 p.m. all the way until 9:00 p.m. For more details, please visit the C3 at CBRC page on Facebook.

About C3 at CBRC
C3 at CBRC is a fun family event hosted by the Columbia Community Church. It's an evening filled with bliss where the attendees get to meet other C3ers. There will be the Pelican Bay Water Park which both kids and grown-ups can indulge in. Everyone can also enjoy the climb the rock wall, as well as the racquetball and Wallyball. Gym activities are also available for the guests.

The Columbia Community Church sets its sights on multiplying the followers of Jesus Christ. It's a Christian community that caters to…

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Egypt: Joseph's Journey 2016 | West Side Church Vacation Bible School's Celebration of Worship | Richland, WAKids entering kindergarten to 5th grade are invited to join Egypt: Joseph's Journey by West Side Church Vacation Bible School. This event is set on June 20 to 24, 2016, starting at 9:00 a.m. until noon. Egypt: Joseph's Journey will be held at West Side Church, 615 Wright Avenue, Richland, WA.

About Egypt: Joseph's Journey by West Side Church Vacation Bible School 2016
Egypt: Joseph's Journey is an event that will take kids to the trip that Joseph had to endure from prison to palace. Participants will be encouraged to look for proofs that God is all over the place. Everybody will collect and dig into words of God through the Bible. Egypt: Joseph's Journey is a celebration of worship. The approach that will be used to make the kids eager to read the bible…

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Father's Day Car Show at the Living Room Community Church: A Simple Celebration in Honor of the Great Dads in KennewickCome celebrate Father's Day with The Living Room Community Church on the 19th of June, 2016. The Father's Day Car Show will run from 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. and will be held at 1409 S. Garfield Street, Kennewick, WA.

About the Father's Day Car Show
The Father's Day Car Show is a family event that will feature an interesting display of vehicles. The attending kids get to enjoy the inflatables set on site. Free lunch will be given out, too! Prior to the Father's Day Car Show, everyone is encouraged to attend the worship at 8:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Attendees are advised to bring cars and motorcycles which they think are worth exhibiting in a car show. 

The Father's Day Car Show is a celebration of love dedicated to the great Dads. Let them…

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Community Unitarian Universalist Church's Welcoming The Tri Cities Stranger
The Community Unitarian Universalist Church will hold a Tri-Cities community vigil entitled "Welcoming the Stranger" in support of refugees around the world. Welcoming the Stranger event will take place on December 18, 2015, Friday, from 6:00 p.m. until 6:45 p.m. at the Community Unitarian Universalist Church, 2819 W. Sylvester St., Pasco, WA.

Compassions and Goodwill
According to Reverend Doak M. Mansfield, Welcoming the Stranger is an opportunity provided to the Tri-Cities folks to express their concern for the refugees around the world. Welcoming the stranger promotes expression of compassion and goodwill for tragedy victims regardless of one's faith. The vigil will be comprised of brief reflections, prayers and…

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Growing Kids God's Way, Parenting Class At The Word of Faith Center Kennewick WashingtonOn Monday, September 8 there will be a parenting class at the Word of Faith Center located in 1350 S. Rainier St. in Kennewick, Washington entitled "Growing Kids God's Way." The class will start at 6:30 in the evening.

Details of Growing Kids God’s Way
The event is a 18 week values-based parenting curriculum now used by more than 10,000 churches and schools worldwide and serves over a million households. The message is clear, the information speaks to the heart and mind of the child, the lessons are practical and the results are compelling - morally responsible children with a healthy view of self and others. Parents learn what true biblical discipline is about and how to achieve first-time obedience. The curriculum also teaches how to train right…

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During the week of March 22-30, join together with people and churches from around the Tri Cities community to participate in Sharefest. Sharefest events include a blood drive, workday, and offering. The workday is scheduled for March 26, if you are interested in participating in Sharefest contact your local church or visit the Sharefest Tri Cities website for more information about projects. The Sharefest offering will go towards several local organizations. The money donations will go towards Ignite Youth Mentoring and Teen Challenge, the food donations will go to 2nd Harvest Tri Cities, supply donations will go to the Union Gospel Mission and blood donations will go to the Benton Franklin Red Cross.

The blood drive will take place on Tuesday, March…

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If you are looking for a Christ-Centered Christmas celebration, then join Central United Protestant Church in Richland Washington for their Advent Family Fun Night on December 10. The evening will be a great night of fellowship, family fun, food, and a touching message about Jesus Christ, our reason to be celebrating this holiday season. The evening will begin promptly at 6:30 pm to see the humorous, touching, and interactive presentation by Oochee the Clown who will share an inspirational hope-filled message about Christmas. Following Oochee the Clown’s presentation head into the fellowship hall for crafts, games, snacks, crazy Christmas photos, and gingerbread house decorating! There is something for the whole family to enjoy and best of all, everything…

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