Found 47 blog entries tagged as children.

2022 Christmas Tri-Cities Washington Things To Do and Christmas Lights To Visit

Senske Services, 400 N Quay in Kennewick
Nightly from 5 pm – 11:30 pm
Christmas Tri-Cities Washington Things To Do and Christmas Lights To VisitCost: free but donations are being collected for 2nd HarvestCome by any night of the month to donate nonperishable food items for 2nd Harvest. Stay to enjoy the show. 500,000 lights dance synced to music playing throughout the event. Or enjoy the warmth of your car while tuning to radio station 90.3 FM. We have multiple selfie stations set up to capture photos with friends and family. Letters to Santa can be dropped into an official North Pole mailbox. 

Christmas Carol Lane – December 2022
Nightly from 6 p.m.Christmas Carol Lane is a fun…

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Tri-City Family Expo

The annual Tri-Cities Family Expo at the TRAC in Pasco Washington is coming up soon! This is a great place for the whole family! The event takes place on January 20 and 21, Friday from 12 noon – 7 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Admission: $8 adults, $6 child (weekend passes are also available)

"Community, Connection & Purpose!"
The Tri-City Family Expo brings community partners together for a weekend of interactive activities and entertainment for families.

Join us for a weekend of wholesome family fun at the HAPO Center in Pasco! Shop local businesses and learn about non-profit vendors and available resources in our community. Grab a bite from local food vendors, enjoy live demonstrations on the main stage, and create…

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2023 Three Rivers Folklife's Tumbleweed Music Festival, Howard Amon Park on the Columbia River, September 1-3, 2023

2021Three Rivers Folklife's Tumbleweed Music Festival, Howard Amon Park on the Columbia RiverLabor Day weekend, Howard Amon Park in Richland will host the Tumbleweed Music Festival.  3 days of great acoustic music on the banks of the Columbia River.  This year's theme is "Dear Friends."  All events are free except for the Saturday Evening Concert and Sunday Contra Dance Fundraisers.  Five outdoor stages featuring 99+ different acts, an open mic stage, an indoor dance floor, 30+ workshops, food & craft vendors, and online performance & workshops.  

Three Rivers Folklife Society has put on the Tumbleweed Music Festival every year the festival will be celebrating its annual festival. Bring the whole family out and enjoy some…

4987 Views, 2 Comments

The Allied Arts Association is pleased to present to you the 61st Annual Art in the Park on July 29-30. Art in the Park is an annual event held each summer in Richland Washington's Howard Amon Park. This annual event is a place where the experienced and novice artists and art lovers can come together for one coming theme, ART. The show features a wide variety of art, you are guaranteed to find photos, jewelry, metal art, furniture, pottery, paintings, glass art, and much more at the Annual Arts in the Park event. Throughout the two days of Art in the Park there will be artists giving demonstrations, delicious food, music, and a shuttle service. There is no fee to attend the event. The hours for the 61st Annual Art in the Park are as follows: Friday, July…

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kids outdoor educationKids Outdoor Education will be held on April 22, 2017, at the Columbia Park Pond in Kennewick. The event will feature 5 sessions which will take place at 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m., and 2:00 p.m. For more details, visit the Tri-Cities Kids Outdoor Education's website.

About 'Kids Outdoor Education'
Kids Outdoor Education is open to kids ages 5 to 14 years old. Only the first 1,200 children will be allowed to participate. Registration costs $10 each, inclusive of Bait & Rigging of Bait, three caught fishes, Fishing Rod & Reel combo, and a chance to win special prizes by catching a tagged fish. The registration fee also comes with a hot dog and pop from the Key Club. Event T-shirts can be purchased for only $5 each for individuals who…

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Babes and Crawlers GroupBelong Tri-Cities and Buckwheat Bottoms are pleased to present the Babes and Crawlers Group on March 4, 2017, from 1:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. The Babes and Crawlers Group event will be held at the Buckwheat Bottoms, at 1386 Jadwin Ave., Richland, WA. For more details, please visit the Babes & Crawlers Group page on Facebook.

About 'Babes and Crawlers Group'
The Babes and Crawlers Group event is a fun gathering that will take place at the Buckwheat Bottoms once a month. It's an afternoon of fun activities specially designed for newborn babies and children who are beginning to toddle. Parents are advised to bring toys which the little ones can play and share with the other babies. Joining the Babes and Crawlers Group is a great way to help kids learn…

965 Views, 0 Comments

Dinner With Friends: Boys & Girls Club's Premier Fundraising Event Featuring Steve Largent | Pasco, WADinner With Friends will be held on October 20, 2016. at 5:30 p.m. This will be held at the TRAC Center, 6600 Burden Boulevard, Pasco, WA. For more details, please visit the Dinner With Friends page at the Kid Expert's website.

About Dinner With Friends
Dinner With Friends is the leading fundraiser of the Boys & Girls Club. It aims to collect funds to support around 2,300 local youth members.

This year's event will feature Steve Largent as the keynote speaker. Like the personalities who have been invited during the past few years including Gary Payton, Edgar Martinez, and Marcus Trufant, Steve Largent has been supporting the Boys & Girls Club for a long time. Steve is a professional football player and Hall of Fame member. He is also a former Seattle…

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Teeny Tears Sewing Night - Remembering the Little Angels | Buckwheat Bottoms in Richland, WAThe Buckwheat Bottoms is pleased to present the Teeny Tears Sewing Night on October 4, 2016, from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. This will be held at 1386 Jadwin Ave. Richland, WA. For more details, please visit the Teeny Tears Sewing Night page on Facebook.

About the Teeny Tears Sewing Night
The Buckwheat Bottoms will be hosting the "Teeny Tears Sewing Night", which is designed for families who have lost a child. Teeny diapers will be sewn to serve as mementos of the little angels who are now in heaven. Apart from teeny diapers, more items will be given to the bereaved families.

Those who can provide sewing machines for this particular event are asked to participate. Everyone can be of help in the effort to make this affair a memorable one. The bereaved…

996 Views, 0 Comments

2nd Annual Youth Outdoors Unlimited Tri-Cities (Y.O.U.) Auction: Help Kids Experience Outdoors Adventures in Pasco, WAThe Youth Outdoors Unlimited is inviting everyone to join the 2nd Annual You Tri-Cities Auction on October 8, 2016, from 4:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. This event will be held at the Red Lion Hotel at 2525 N 20th Ave., Pasco, WA. For more details, please visit the 2nd Annual YOU Tri-Cities Auction page on Facebook.

About the 2nd Annual YOU Tri-Cities Auction
The 2nd Annual YOU Tri-Cities Auction aims to provide support to a group of children who are suffering from life-threatening illnesses and physical activities. Through the donations that will be collected from this event, these kids will be given the opportunity to experience outdoor adventures like hunting or fishing activities.

At the moment, the Youth Outdoors Unlimited is still looking for event…

2295 Views, 0 Comments

$5 Fill A Bag Event: Shop for Clothes, Shoes and Toys at Children's Attic | Kennewick The '$5 Fill A Bag Event' at the Children's Attic will take place on the 24th of September 2016. This event will begin at 10:00 a.m. The Children's Attic is located at 3013 W Kennewick Ave., Kennewick, WA. For more details,please visit the $5 Fill A Bag Event on Facebook.

About the $5 Fill A Bag Event at Children's Attic
The $5 Fill A Bag Event is regarded as Tri-Cities original $5 bag sale. Attending this event lets everyone get hold of clothes, shoes, toys and more quality items. The Children's Attic will prepare 40 marked bins where shoppers can put in as many items as they can and pay for all of its content for only $5.

Everyone is advised to come early to get the best selection. Let this event known to friends and families so everybody can take…

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