Found 3 blog entries tagged as blood drive.

american red crossThe Kennewick First United Methodist Church is pleased to host the American Red Cross Blood Drive on July 12, 2017. Blood donation will take place from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m., at the Ida Payne Fellowship Hall. The Kennewick First United Methodist Church is located at 421 W Kennewick Ave., Kennewick, WA. 

American Red Cross Blood Drive: Help Resolve the Constant Need for a Source of Healthy Blood

There is a constant need for a reliable and healthy supply of blood in the United States which the American Red Cross wants to sustain. All community members are encouraged to join this blood drive to help fellow Americans in need. All blood donors must be generally fit and healthy. Donors must be at least 17 years old and weight must be 110 lbs. at a…

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During the week of March 22-30, join together with people and churches from around the Tri Cities community to participate in Sharefest. Sharefest events include a blood drive, workday, and offering. The workday is scheduled for March 26, if you are interested in participating in Sharefest contact your local church or visit the Sharefest Tri Cities website for more information about projects. The Sharefest offering will go towards several local organizations. The money donations will go towards Ignite Youth Mentoring and Teen Challenge, the food donations will go to 2nd Harvest Tri Cities, supply donations will go to the Union Gospel Mission and blood donations will go to the Benton Franklin Red Cross.

The blood drive will take place on Tuesday, March…

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The Benton Franklin chapter of the American Red Cross has scheduled several blood drives throughout the Tri Cities Washington. The Red Cross depends on the kind generosity of healthy members in the community to give blood each and every day. The life span of cells is not long, platelets only last up to 5 days and red blood cells last up to 42 days. Visit any of the scheduled blood drives or go to the Tri Cities Donor Center to give the gift of blood this holiday season.

Friday, December 3
The Tri City Donor Center will be open between the hours of 8:30 am and 1:30 pm at their Richland Washington location. If you are unable to make it at this time, head over to the Richland Safeway between 10:00 am and 3:00pm.

Monday, December 6
If you are close to…

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