Everyone is invited to the Walla Walla - Macy's Parade of Lights on Saturday, December 6 in Downtown Walla Walla, Washington. The annual event has been a Christmas community in the area that has characterized the spirit of our Valley.
More about Macy's Parade of Lights
Clubs, churches, schools and individuals are invited to light up and line up for the annual Macy’s Parade of Lights. Held on the 1st Saturday of December, this event features between nearly 75 entries and thousands of viewers in a holiday mood. Volunteers hang signs along the parade route, mark the staging area, and help wrangle the floats into place before the parade.
The parade has grown both in the number of floats and spectators; 75 floats and thousands of smiling faces. The parade begins at 7 p.m. and lasts about an hour. Note: the annual Holiday Wine Barrel Tasting event is also taking place this weekend so parking restrictions are in effect along the parade route.
For more information go to http://downtownwallawalla.com/parade/ and http://downtownwallawalla.com/2014/11/21/19th-annual-macys-holiday-parade-of-lights-4/
Posted by Colleen D. Lane on
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