Tri Cities Wa RadCon Sci-Fi and Fantasy Convention
Posted by Colleen Lane on
If you’re a big science fiction fan, then you shouldn’t miss the RadCon Sci-Fi/Fantasy Convention that’s happening on February 14-16, 2014. The said event will take place at the Red Lion Hotel in Pasco, Washington.
Radical RadCon
This convention is held annually in the Tri-Cities, during President’s Day weekend, through the efforts of RadCon Guild, an all-volunteer organization that aims to promote Art, Literature, Science, Gaming, and Imagination in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy genres.
Convene to Be in
Be part of the organization’s 23rd year of supporting Education, Writing, and Film through science fiction. You may register through their website or follow them on Twitter, @RadCon_WA, for inquiries. Registration fee is $35 for interested ones aged 13 and…
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