Tri Cities Wa RadCon Sci-Fi and Fantasy ConventionIf you’re a big science fiction fan, then you shouldn’t miss the RadCon Sci-Fi/Fantasy Convention that’s happening on February 14-16, 2014. The said event will take place at the Red Lion Hotel in Pasco, Washington.

Radical RadCon
This convention is held annually in the Tri-Cities, during President’s Day weekend, through the efforts of RadCon Guild, an all-volunteer organization that aims to promote Art, Literature, Science, Gaming, and Imagination in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy genres.

Convene to Be in
Be part of the organization’s 23rd year of supporting Education, Writing, and Film through science fiction. You may register through their website or follow them on Twitter, @RadCon_WA, for inquiries. Registration fee is $35 for interested ones aged 13 and…

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Superbowl XLVIII Party at The Pub in KennewickYou are cordially invited for a night of fun, drinks, and plenty of football action as The Pub in Kennewick brings you the best Superbowl Party in the Tri Cities. Watch AFC champs Denver Broncos and NFC champion Seattle Seahawks as they battle it out for the right to be called 2013 season’s National Football League champion.

Superbowl Aficionados Unite
There will be lots of drink specials, food, and the famous Coors Light and Pendelton Whiskey girls as you watch the game’s telecast. Incidentally, the game will be held on February 2 at MetLife Stadium at the Meadowlands Sports Complex in East Rutherford, New Jersey, with kickoff scheduled for 6:25PM EST.

Pre-game fun will start at 12 noon on February 2 and will continue until 2AM of Monday, February…

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The Mousetrap a Play by Agatha ChristieHow good are you at solving mysteries? You may just get a tip or two when you watch Richland Players Theatre’s presentation of Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap.

The Mousetrap is a murder mystery play by Christie, and is based on her 1948 short story, “Three Blind Mice”, the same 30-minute radio play that she wrote to commemorate the 80th birthday of Queen Mary. Incidentally, the same play has been continuously running since it opened in London’s West End in 1952, making it the longest initial run of any play in history.

The play revolves around a group of people gathered in a country boarding house and stranded by a snowy blizzard. Everyone panics when they learn that there is a murderer in their midst, the same one who has just committed a…

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A Midsummer Night’s Dream by the Academy of Children’s TheatreA Midsummer Night’s Dream by the Academy of Children’s Theatre
One of literature’s greatest works, by no less than the greatest English writer of all time, William Shakespeare, will be given a 20th century approach by the drama students of the Academy of Children’s Theatre.

Shakespeare for the 20th Century
ACT’s production will take on A Midsummer Night’s Dream, setting it in 1967 during San Francisco’s Summer of Love. The story will follow the adventures of a spirited but mischievous fairy, Puck, who pulls on all sorts of hilarious antics that intentionally and unintentionally complicate the other characters, which include Oberon, Titania, Hermia, Helena, Lysander, Demetrius, Egeus, Theseus, Hippolyta and Bottom.

Show Times and Tickets
The production…

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Fifth Annual Heart to Heart Dessert Social and AuctionAre you up for a fun evening of entertainment and delicious treats? Then head on out to the 5th Annual Heart-to-Heart Dessert Social and Auction.

The Sweet Fun
Aside from delicious desserts, there would be a fun Valentine-themed live and silent auction. All proceeds from this event will go to Good Samaritan Ministries, a non-profit, donation supported, Christian counseling, and teaching ministry. The ministry’s aim is to reach out compassionately to those in crisis in the community.

Where Is it Happening
The event will take place at Calvary Church on February 1 at 6:00PM to 9:30PM. Admission is free, but donations are more than welcome. Be there for a night of fun. You could also buy sweet, delicious treats for your special Valentine. You can call the…

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Menopause – The MusicalGet ready for a night of fun and laughter as Jeanie Linders' Menopause – The Musical explores "The Change".

What it's All About
This 90-minute production is a comedic salute to women undergoing the transition through 25 re-lyricized tunes from the ‘60s and ‘70s and fun outtakes depicting the stuff that comes along with the M word – hot flashes, mood swings, eating binges, night sweating, memory loss, and wrinkles.

Menopause – The Musical
Menopause – The Musical has been entertaining women all across the world since 2001, and this year, you’ll get the chance to engage in a healthy dialogue about issues that affect women, from aging to health issues like ovarian cancer.

Be There or Be Square
Catch the musical at the Toyota Center Kennewick, 7000 W.…

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