Set up rules to sort out incoming emails Apart from spam, there's bacn. This is a new term for e-mail you want, but not right now and describes the middle class of e-mail, such as notifications of new followers on Twitter or the Google alert for your name. I set up some rules in that push those e-mails right out of my Inbox into a special "Bacn" folder "” so I can quickly skim through them if I've got some spare time and don't know what to do. Bacn is out of the way.Posted by Colleen Lane on
I actually purchased a email spam software that checks for spam and then sorts everything else into two piles, urgent and not urgent. It really saves a lot of time.
Posted by Sire on Sunday, February 1st, 2009 at 8:12pmI haven't heard the term "bacn" before, but it's pretty descriptive of one of my biggest problems in handling my email.
Posted by John Dilbeck on Wednesday, February 4th, 2009 at 10:52amI use Eudora as my primary email client and have hundreds of filters in place as well as several dozen in-boxes, so I can deal with high-priority email first and eventually work my way down the pile and deal with the "bacn" when I have the time and energy.
You're right that the "bacn" email is wanted, but usually isn't a high- or medium-priority.
Thanks for the chuckle and for a name I can call those emails.
Act on your dream!
I use Thunderbird and can quickly create filters to automatically send bacn to different inbox folders. Some go into a general folder, others to their own. The idea is that the only thing that goes directly to my main inbox is the meat that I need straight away. Like John I get round to the bacn if and when I have time or when I need to research a particular topic - there are thousands of emails I have not yet read and when I have time I will do some unsubscribing. As it is these unwanted messages are out of sight and not bothering me.
Posted by Sueblimely on Thursday, February 12th, 2009 at 3:18amLeave A Comment