Virtual Ride Along with A Squad Swing Shift - A Different Way to Enjoy Friday the 13th with Pasco WA Police Department Pasco Police Department is inviting everyone to join the Virtual Ride Along with A Squad Swing Shift event which will take place from 3:30 p.m. on May 13, 2016, until 2:10 a.m. on May 14, 2016. Check out the Virtual Ride Along with A Squad Swing Shift Facebook Event Page for more details.

About the Virtual Ride Along with A Squad Swing Shift
The Pasco Police Department is steadfast in providing the community with utmost service in terms of security and law enforcement. They make it a point that Pasco, WA remains a conducive place for living and working, and also for tourists. The Pasco Police Department put up their own Facebook page for the purpose of presenting news. It is to update the community of what's happening in the area. Comments and questions are accepted in the page but the Pasco Police Department makes sure it is lucrative and wholesome.

This coming Friday the 13th, Pasco Police Department will come up with an interesting program that kids and adults alike will enjoy. Through the Pasco Police Facebook Page, everybody gets to experience how it is to work as A squad Swings. They will post exciting photos and videos to be taken during the shift so people will have a feel of what it'slike to be a Police Officer in Pasco, WA.

Posted by Colleen D. Lane on


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