DrewBoy Creative is calling everyone who has a flair for art to join the Tri-Cities Public Market Dream Show which is set on the 13th of May, 2016. This event will take place from 7:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. at DrewBoy Creative, 285 Williams Boulevard, Richland, WA. Kindly visit the website of DrewBoy Creative for more details.
Tri-Cities Public Market Call for Dreamers
The Tri-Cities Public Market Call for Dreamers is a gathering especially formed for individuals with special flair in the field of art. This event gives a chance to artists, engineers, architects and anyone with the right skills, to impart their talent and share how they envision the Tri-Cities Public Market through proposals in the form of art. The chosen masterpiece will be used as a guide for the design of the Tri-Cities Public Market. The entries have to be original. Awards will be given to artists who will come up with the "Best Overall Design", "Most Artistic Feature", "Most Pragmatic", "The Dreamiest", and the "Most Innovative Feature. "
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