Found 1 blog entry tagged as Winter Camping Basics.

Winter Camping Basics in REI, KennewickREI Kennewick will conduct the Winter Camping Basics event on January 27, 2016. Winter Camping Basics will be attended by REI specialists and will run from 7:15 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. REI Kennewick is located at 129 N Ely St., Kennewick, WA. For more details about Winter Camping Basics, please visit REI's website.

Making the Most of Winter Camping
The Winter Camping Basics event caters for individuals who are interested about the tricks when camping during winter. Unlike camping in spring, summer or fall, there are certain things that one has to learn when winter camping. With the help of REI's experienced camping experts, important matters will be discussed such as what to expect on camping in a winter wonderland, how to plan for winter camping and how…

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