Found 1 blog entry tagged as Turin.

Shroud of Turin imageThe Shroud of Turin lecture will be held on April 1 and 2, 2017, at 10:00 a.m. The lecture will be presented at Richland Public Library, at 955 Northgate Dr., Richland, WA. For more details, visit the page of Shroud of Turin Lecture on Facebook.

About the Shroud of Turin Lecture
Richland Public Library is pleased to present a lecture on the historical linen burial cloth which has been preserved in Turin, Italy since 1578. The Shroud of Turin is believed to be the burial cloth of Jesus of Nazareth. The lecture will feature a PowerPoint presentation to introduce the results of the research conducted regarding the Shroud of Turin.

The Shroud of Turin lecture is part of the International Conference on Shroud of Turin which will be held at the TRAC Center…

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