Found 1 blog entry tagged as Toyota Center and Toyota Arena.

Flashdance - The Musical | Toyota Center and Toyota Arena in KennewickIt's the Flashdance - The Musical at Toyota Center and Toyota Arena on January 22, 2016. Flashdance - The Musical will start at 7:00 p.m. Toyota Center and Toyota Arena is located at 7016 Grandridge Boulevard, Kennewick, WA. For more information, visit Toyota Center and Toyota Arena's website.

A Captivating Story
Flashdance used to be just a pop culture fad but it is now live on stage. Flashdance -The Musical is about Alex Owens, her inspiring stories and superb dance talent. Alex Owens was a welder in a steel mill by day and a bar dancer by night. To become a professional performer was Alex Owens' greatest ambition and when she had a romantic relationship with her boss, she never let it ruin her dreams. Alex made use of love as an inspiration to…

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