Found 2 blog entries tagged as TCPN.

LulaRoe TCPN FundraiserJoin the fundraiser for TCPN that LuLaRoe and Stella & Dot will host on May 6, 2017, from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. LuLaRoe Pop-Up Boutique is located at 101 N. Union St., Ste 201, Kennewick, WA. For more details, visit the LulaRoe + Stella & Dot Fundraiser for TCPN page on Facebook.

About LuLaRoe and Stella & Dot 'Stop, Shop, and Save Lives' Fundraiser
Shoppers simply have to purchase items at LuLaRoe and Stella & Dot to help raise funds for the Tri-Cities Pregnancy Network. Part of the sales on the dates mentioned above will benefit TCPN. The fundraiser is in time for the celebration of Mother's Day.

LuLaRoe and Stella & Dot are both fashion merchants that are focused not only on women's outward appearance but also in promoting women empowerment…

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Swing for Life Golf Tournament: 'Empowering Individuals to Make Life-Affirming Choices' for the Benefit of Tri-Cities Pregnancy Network | Kennewick, WA Be a part of the 3rd Annual Swing for Life Golf Tournament which will take place on the 23rd of July 2016, from 7:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. This event will be held at the Canyon Lakes Golf Course, 3700 W Canyon Lakes Dr, Kennewick, WA. For more details, visit the Swing for Life TC's website.

About the 3rd Annual Swing for Life Golf Tournament
This year's Swing for Life Golf Tournament puts emphasis on 'Empowering Individuals to Make Life-Affirming Choices'. It will benefit the Tri-Cities Pregnancy Network, an organization that educates and provides for mothers and fathers in order for them to build a strong family. TCPN is a non-profit organization. It remains operational because of the support coming from local churches and private individuals and…

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