Found 1 blog entry tagged as Spring Migration.

Spring Migration At the Reach Columbia Park Trail Richland, WashingtonThis coming Saturday, May 2 head to the The REACH for the "Spring Migration At the Reach – Birds are on the wing heading north" from 8:00 in the morning until 3:30 in the afternoon.

Details of the Event
As part of their 50th Anniversary year, the Lower Columbia Basin Audubon Society (LCBAS) is celebrating spring migration at The REACH.

First 100 people to mention The Lower Columbia Audubon Society Get in FREE! Some binoculars are available to loan for the walk. Come to the Reach to learn about bird migration and have expert birders answer your questions.

The REACH is located at 1943 Columbia Park Trail Richland, Washington.

For more information you may call 5099434100x108 or go to

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