Found 1 blog entry tagged as Snowflakes.

The Science Of Snowflakes At The REACH Multipurpose Room Richland, WashingtonThis Saturday, December 27 from 10:30 in the morning until 2:30 in the afternoon kids and their families will have the chance to learn about the amazing wintery flakes that contribute to each snowflake’s unique structure, and why they all take a hexagonal shape. The event will be at The REACH Multipurpose Room in Richland, Washington.

About The Science of Snowflakes
The event will be featuring the life story of Wilson A. “Snowflake” Bentley, the self-taught American scientist and photographer who was among the first to photograph snowflakes, prove that each snowflake has six sides, and that no tow snowflakes are alike.

The children’s book based on Bentley’s life will make for a fun story time. Last but not least, snowflake patterns will be provided…

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