2022 RiverFest at Columbia Park, Kennewick Washington
Posted by Colleen Lane on
RiverFest 2022 | October 8, 2022 | 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM | Columbia Park | Kennewick, WA
RiverFest is a FREE family event that pays tribute to the many benefits of the Federal Hydropower system with a focus on the lower Snake River Dams. There will be educational exhibits, food vendors, speakers, hands-on learning experiences, entertainment, and fun for the whole family!
Businesses, community organizations, and people from all walks of life throughout the region have joined together to host RiverFest 2022. RiverFest is a FREE, fun, and educational family event, featuring exhibitors, vendors, and entertainment to showcase all the benefits of the Federal Columbia River Power System and highlight the four lower Snake River dams including navigation,…
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