Found 2 blog entries tagged as small business.

facebook workshopFacebook Workshop 101 for Small Business will be held on September 27, 2017. The workshop will run from 5:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. and will take place at the Mid-Columbia Libraries - Kennewick Branch, located at 1620 S Union St. Check the website of the organizer, Two Wicked Geese, or call 509-596-0976 for more information.

Facebook Workshop 101 for Small Business 

The Facebook Workshop 101 for Small Business is a 2-Part event. The Part 1 will focus on the importance of having a Facebook page, as well as tips on how to create and optimize the page. The topics will also include the essential Facebook tools that can be used for banners and posting. Meanwhile, the Facebook Workshop 101 for Small Business Part 2 will cover topics about Facebook page…

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Is there a small business that you rave about in the Tri Cities WA area? Would you like them to be recognized for their outstanding service, commitment to their employees or community outreach? Then cast a vote for your favorite small business today! Nominations are now being accepted for businesses in Benton and Franklin counties for the annual Small Business of the Year Award. Nominations that are submitted by March 18 will boost the entries score by 5 points, nominations will not be accepted past 5:00pm on March 31.

Several awards will be given in one category. The first is the Small Business Award, there will be three winners of this award. Businesses nominated for this award must be locally owned and operated, employ 60 or fewer employees and are…

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