Found 1 blog entry tagged as Refresh Your Run.

REI Presents REI Kennewick will host the Refresh Your Run class, on April 13, 2016, Wednesday, from 7:15 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Refresh Your Run will take place at REI 129 N Ely St., Kennewick, WA. Browse through the website of REI Kennewick to learn more about Refresh Your Run and other exciting events.

A Running Refresher for the Enthusiasts 
Refresh Your Run class is not just for runners. This event is also designed for beginners and those who have not gone running for quite some time. Refresh Your Run event wil provide helpful tips and tricks regarding getting back in shape and preparing for the forthcoming 5-10K events. Joining in are Running Specialists from REI to help review and reacquaint participants on the subject of training tips, safety, secondary training…

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