Found 1 blog entry tagged as play dough.

paly doh partyThe Mid-Columbia Libraries will present the Play-Doh Party on July 3, 2017, from 10:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. The Play-Doh Party will take place at the Kennewick Branch, at 1620 S. Union Street. For more details, visit the Play-Doh Party page at Mid-Columbia LIbraries' website.

Play-Doh Party: Getting Ready for Kindergarten

The Play-Doh Party at Mid-Columbia Libraries is open to kids 0 to 5 years old. The event will help the little ones prepare for kindergarten. The kids will be taught how to create pattern towers and trace the alphabet. The Play-Doh Party will also practice the children's ability to distinguish shapes.  

Playing dough is a fun, recreational activity for kids which can also provide a number of learning opportunities. According to…

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