Found 2 blog entries tagged as photographer.

National Wildlife Refuge Week 2014 In Richland, WashingtonFrom Tuesday, October 14 until Friday, October 17 the U.S. Fish and Wildlife is teaming with the Reach Center located at 1943 Columbia Park Trail in Richland, for the National Wildlife Refuge Week 2014 featuring the Hanford Reach National Monument.

Details of the Event
Professional photographer John Clement will lead a field trip to photograph the fall landscapes of the monument. Classes will on Tuesday, October 14 from 6 to 8 in the evening while the field trip will be on Friday, October 17 from 7 in the morning until 12 noon . Admission fee is $45.

To register click here,

There will also be a kayak tour from the Vernita Bridge rest area to the White Bluffs boat launch on the Columbia River on Thursday, October 16…

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During the month of May local photographer John Clement has announced that he will be taking fellow photographers out with him to some of his favorite spots around the region. This would be great for those who are just starting out in the art of photography, wanting to learn something new, or those who just enjoy going out and capturing some of the beautiful scenery surrounding the Tri Cities Washington area. Travel with John on one, two, three or four day shoots to his favorite places here in Eastern Washington. Areas to be explored include the Columbia Gorge and its spectacular vistas and flowers. The Palouse and its green velvet hills, the Snake and Grande Rhode Rivers in all of their spring glory! Included will be your transportation, hands on…

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