Found 1 blog entry tagged as Open Houses.

Kennewick, Richland, Pasco, & West Richland Washington Virtual Open Houses in the Tri-Cities MLS MarketKennewick, Richland, Pasco, & West Richland Washington Virtual Open Houses in the Tri-Cities MLS Market
One positive outcome of the Covid-19 pandemic is the development of online marketing.  Our company has jumped in with a vengeance and has been developing, and continuing the development of Virtual Open House Tours, online marketing, and other means to market a home in an incredibly difficult season of our lives.

As a real estate team, we have always believed Open Houses, the physical version, are an ineffective means of marketing a home.  Often real estate agents convince the seller to hold Open Houses for marketing, when in the end the Open House is an incredible inconvenience to the homeowner, puts the home in oftentimes an unsafe position, and…

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