Natural Selection CrossFit 3rd Annual Atomic Throwdown: Fitness Regimen for Charity in Kennewick
Posted by Colleen D. Lane on
The Natural Selection CrossFit 3rd Annual Atomic Throwdown will be held on August 6, 2016, from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. This will take place at Natural Selection CrossFit located at 309 N Belfair Ct., Kennewick WA, For more details, please visit the NSXFit 3rd Annual Atomic Throwdown page on Facebook.
About the Natural Selection CrossFit 3rd Annual Atomic Throwdown
The registration for the Natural Selection CrossFit 3rd Annual Atomic Throwdown will be on first come first serve basis. Individuals who are active in local CrossFit are all encouraged to join. This year's Atomic Throwdown will feature a scaled and RX division which are similar to last year's undertakings. For the 3rd Annual Atomic Throwdown, a division for the teens has been added.
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